How to tell her


Long Time Member
she's getting fat! wife has always had a tight little petite body up until the last 12-16 months. she's gained 12-15 pounds which aint all that flattering on her frame. don't get me wrong she still turns my crank but she's lost the bod from not to long ago. how do you discreetly, kindly and without hurt feeling tell her to shed could stand to lose a few pounds??? she makes comments about her little spare tire and beer belly but I don't say much. Any suggestions?
I'd start off with something neutral like....''Listen here fatty....''

LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-09 AT 06:27PM (MST)[p]NV and 1911
you guys trying to get me killed? dang it i need some help!
apart from 1911's approach...

My girlfriend is sitting here next to me, and she recommends inviting her out to hike and do some active things with her. Maybe act like you're trying to get in better shape, and maybe she'll follow suit....

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
Feleno, Lil Red says chances are nobody will ever notice her 10-15 pounds when she is with you. :)


thanks again guys, you are a lot of help :)

As you can see by the most recent picture i have of us, she could stand to tone up a bit right?
Maybe stinky will post some more pics of his old lady too.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
1911 that is one smoking hot body..what i would give for 24 hours with that...i just dont know what those good lookin man crushes are doing with those skinny girls they make me sick....ha ha id still hit it like a midget


has anyone seen my kittie
OK, OK, OK...

How about improving on 1911's first post and try this:
Slap her on the butt and say ''Listen here fatty....''
Last year I rubbed my wifes belly and asked: What are going to name this one?
It was nice and quiet around the house for a few days.

()_) ()_)---)_)

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
HEY Faleno!!!







THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
Tell her she should go on your scouting trip in August! Then walk her arse off!

seriously though, if she sees this you won't be getting your crank turned for a while :)
1- Get rid of the fridge.

2- More night time bedroom activities, just switch it around a bit. Excellent cardio.

1911 Slam is that OK to say ????
Well, My wife agreed to let me be her personal trainer so I can get away with a little more. I told her its time to put on some serious size to her legs so I took her diet pills away and told her its time to hit the squat rack and leg weights. We did that and upped her calories and she put on a crap load of leg muscles in 2 months. Well the bulking has worked wonders but with the eating came some extra weight. I told her bulking is over this morning, handed her the diet pills back and splained her diet. She's following my instructions to a "T"!!!???? I'm dumbfounded. I was wondering how I was gonna stop the bulking phase gently since she's never done one before to this extreme. I can't believe she totally understands what I'm doing. I'm still trying to pick myself up off the floor. I give her 6 weeks to have a super star body before I cover it with flab again with another bulking phase. However, her leg muscles are friggin amazing. Maybe you should research the gym and spend a lot of time in one like I do. The best way to get results is to lead by example. And no slamdunk you can't chime in. You've been eating carls junior everyday for the past 2 months and are still loosing body fat. People like you don't count so bug off lol J/K!

SO stinky???






THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
whats that saying stinky? post is worthless without pics or somethin like that. just sayin man, dont know if your full of it or not. ha ha
Well, this site is all about helping each other out.

My older age and life exprience would tell you to use a subtle approach.

Make some comments about her other attributes, and then maybe add something like, "For a fat girl, you don't sweat much"......nice things like that, you know.
Feleno- There comes a time in every man's life where you turn the corner. It's the time where you need to take the bag off HER head and put it on yours. That 10-15 pounds is gone instantly and you still get the pleasures of home.

Honestly, there's nothing you can do without coming of as a total plick so don't even try. You don't think "they" are smart enough to figure out what you mean.....and it doesn't how smooth you say it. My wife is not a petite woman....not fat but she's not skinny either. She got a boob job a few years ago and it put her body in porportion so she actually appears skinnier than she actually is. Plus, you get some new toys to play with!!

Whatever you do, don't say anything to hurt her feelings. She may stop cooking and cleaning....

If you can afford to pull it off, maybe suggest a vacation somewhere "beachy" and be excited for it. Tell her you want to be in the best shape of your life before you go, maybe she'll agree and folow suit??
Take her back down to Las Vegas and stay at the Hard Rock, Club Rehab" on Sundays there is off the chart crazy sexy fun!! ;-)

Once in a while its Taco Bell, i'm not the Carl's Junior junkie you making me out to be, geeeez!! Rofl

Feleno, Not to be rude, but how many pounds have you put on since your "golden days"? You men on here KILL me!! No matter how much she weighs or how she looks, she is still the girl you fell in love with, had kids with (i assume) and married. Perhaps you should have some understanding, and as the bible says "take the log outta your own eye before you try to remove the speck from hers" (paraphrased of course). However if it is just gonna get your goat, the i agree with my stinky arse husband, lead by example. Next time she is complaining say " hey honey, if you are that bothered by your body, lets do something about it together, cuz im a fat bastage as well" then go join a gym together! I hate to admit this, but im the one who turned stinky into the freak- i mean gym freak he is today. When we met he worked out all the time. I knew nothing about it. After our first baby i got fat and got depresses about it, which made me fatter. I saw that "body for life" challange on the internet, so he and i entered the contest as a team and thats how it all started. The good news for you is that she isnt happy with how she looks, when she tells you shes fat, she wants help. If she wasnt complaining i would tell you to shut up and love her for her, but us girls like being the ones who turn our husbands heads. So just wait till she mentions it again, then say how you have let yourself go too, then say lets do something about it together. Im sure in no time you will be like me and stinky, and people will say "Why is she with that loser?" "She is way to hot for him". LMAO!! JK STINKY. BTW, if she sees this post you are sooooooo dead!!!

Now Stinky....Your really gonna have trouble picking yourself up off the floor when i get done with you!!! If i read your post right, i think you insulted,complimented, and insulted me again. Not sure what to think right now, but by the time you get your lazy butt outta bed i will have decided if i am gonna kill you or not. Im gonna go re-read it again with my magnifying glass. If ya'll dont hear from him for a few weeks, you will know i broke all of his fingers :)[font size="22"]

Tell her it's a health issue and that you both need to start eating healthier and getting more active. Simple
WTF STINKY????? "COVER ME WITH FLAB"????? your sooo dead! First of all, yes my legs ARE amazing, but i beg to differ on the FLAB thing!! I am NOT FLABBY, heck im not even squishy like you! I dont have any rolls, my stomach is flat as a board, and im still hot as He77!! So bite my "flabby" butt! There now, i gotta go get the hammer for your fingers...[font size="22

Some good advice guys and gals.

yeah another trip to Vegas might motivate her since she likes hangin out at the pool. Last time we were there we didnt have time. I've tried to involve her in hikes and mnt bike rides but she doesnt seem to have the motivation to do that. I tell ya if she ends up looking like her mom I'm in trouble :)

you are probably right, she's probably looking for some help but i have offered to do some things she usually likes to do (hike and bike). I'll keep buggin her to go do some things now that summer is here and the mnts are out the back door. As for me, i'm in better shape now then I was 20 years ago. 40+ years old and 13% body fat (2 months ago). Lean, tanned and toned. i eat well and exercise religiously

Good lucky stinky looks like you got an butt whipping coming your way :)
lol, im sure that "mom" thing is what stinky thinks. lucky for him, he snuck out the door this morning before i had a chance to pounce. Well, if you look so great feleno, then for sure she feels bad about herself. I know i have to feel comparable to Stinky to be happy. you guys got kids? Maybe she is just too tired, or has a hormonal imbalance. See if you can figure out what is making her lose interest in the things she once enjoyed. With us women, weight in combination with lack of motivation to do anything about it, is usually just a pysical manifestation of something much deeper....was for me anyways. I know when i feel happy/content/good, i want to TRY to look my best, even though i know im no supermodel and i have many flaws. Something in me says to keep trying, because TRYING is the thing that actually makes me feel good. if that makes any sense, what so ever... [font size="22"]

I'm a kill-joy, but I do remember about 19 years ago standing in front of my pastor. Vowing something about "for better or worse, til death".

On a lighter note, my wife asked what I would do if she gained any more weight. I said I would re-enforce the floor.
And now gentleman - what you see here is a perfectly good example of how a man totally squandered a perfectly good opportunity to just keep his mouth shut!

This is one I won't touch with a ten foot pole!! There is no possible way this conversation can end good for the man. Remember it is better to remain silent and be considered a fool with a fat wife than to speak up and remove all doubt!

LMFAO! (and yes it is fat!)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Feleno, Here is the answer.

Your gonna need some help but here is what you do. Have a Women you work with, A neighbor, a friend, whomever call your house late at night when you know the Wife will answer. Have her ask for you and then hangup.

Next leave a strange pair of panties lying around somewhere that the Wife will find them.

I am telling you, a little competition will get your Wife right back in shape.

Be careful how far you take this technique as we don't want you getting Mc Nared.

Your welcome in advance as wisdom like this doesn't find you everyday.
don't take this the wrong way.... but you are FRIKKEN nuts!!!
Very tempted to tell you all a story from the neighborhood BBQ a few weeks ago involving my very, very attractive single neighbor lady and the pass/proposition she made to me. It wasnt quite like you might read in the Penthouse forum but could have ended up that way. COULD have been a lot worse than the phone call but i'd never, ever stray from my wife. EVER. still wakes me up in a cold sweat thinking about it. Some of you have seen my neighbor. 9.95 on all the judges scorecards
You're a good man Feleno. Then why don't you brag on yourself a little by tellin' her that story and saying:

"See,Honey I love you so much I would NEVER cheat on you-even if you are gettin' a little pudgy!"

Tag- I like your idea but I don't think Feleno could handle those directions to a "T". Knowing him, he'd probably plant a used set of MEN's underwear for her to find! It really won't have the same effect!!
Feleno- I'm guessing you were sober at the BBQ. Generally when alcohol is tied in with flirting it tends to get a little more in depth. It really sucks that some people think it is ok to flirt with others spouses. Some don't respect the marriage and don't care if they cause a divorce. Good job, Feleno...


P.S.- Get some naked pics of the neighbor and pm them to me!!
Something like this:

"Honey, I've been worried about you lately. I'm wondering if you may have a thyroid problem, as it seems your metabolism may have slowed down a touch. I'm concerned about your health. Would you like me to schedule a Dr. appointment to check it out?"
Hey slammy! Your dead meat! I thought we had an agreement that you would be my personal moderator! Now here I am in the hospital with 21 broken ribs, 2 dislocated shoulders, no fingers and my eyelashes have been permanently removed! Your a real swell friend! If I ever recover I will be looking you up butt munch lol! Did I mention I no longer weigh 285? My arse has been completely chewed off. As soon as I can walk I will weigh myself and let you know what the final tally is.

Wasn't it Young Guns were the Sheriff said...
"I'd rather drink turpintine and piss on a brushfire... I ain't touching this one!"

Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear. - Mark Twain
Did ya have to whip out the 12 lbs ham with a bone in it and tell what you are gonna do with it?


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