How To Spend 34K #2


In response to the original thread of this topic.....
Good job getting a thread nuked that was well within the limits of being legal. Your complaint about us teasing that the tractor girl was only 15 years old? You don't read well do you?
No one was teasing that the girl was really 15 years old at all! That exact pic was posted 3 years ago and was nuked, so a funny comment was made by me that she must be 18 now (in total hypothetical fun, get it!). You call us "sick"? Excuse me? Not one of us was dumb enough to think she was really only 15 years old, did she really look that old to you?? Wow....

Merry Christmas delta67.....if you don't like this new pic, you can click on the Victoria Secret ad on the left side of your screen in the advertisements and easily find something more naughty than than anything i have ever posted ;-)

Good one Slam. I swear I thought the answer was going to be "Book with Porcupine" 2 years in a row! lol


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-12 AT 07:36PM (MST)[p]>Where exactly is that Victorias Secret

Smitty, the VS ad's are all over this site, on my screen it's directly left of the pic i posted......

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