How to question


Active Member
I picked up a log bed at a yard sale this weekend. I want to refinish it and give it to my parents for their cabin. As I was thinking about it I thought it may be cool to give it that partial burnt look. I'm pretty sure the wood is pine.

Maybe it would be better to have someone do it, but I would like to do it myself. I don't have a torch of any kind so I would need to get something. Would you want a more confined flame or the opposite? Is there any method to the burn pattern? Should I even bother with the burnt look? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Head to any western state and set the bed outside, sooner or later it will have the burn look, everything is burning right now.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Your Mother may not like that "burnt" look when she makes the bed and gets charcoal stains on the sheets and blankets.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-12 AT 12:04PM (MST)[p]This is super easy to do, I have done it on a few projects. The wood needs to have no coating on it, so you will probably have to sand it down first. Then just take a hand held propane torch and burn the wood to the desired color. When I say burn it, I don't mean start it on fire, just so it colors the exterior of the wood. When the desired color is achieved, coat it with a poly urethane. I use DEFT from Home Depot. It looks good and has a natural look to it. The coating is over the burn, so no "charcoal" will get on the sheets.


Hope this helps.

+1 Silver, that's it!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Thanks Sliver, I figured it was just that easy but wanted to make sure first before doing so.

lol kawboy you have a point there.
I have a extra torch at the cabin if you want to use it . With the scouts I would always call it my flint and steel. It shouldn't be to hard to find one to borrow. Post up some pictures for us to see when you are done.
"flint & steel" ??????????? Now that's funny!

PS: Those little propane torchs are really cheap. Just grab one when you get the propane, sandpaper and wood finish at one of the hardware stores.

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