How to Pull Out. . .



How to Pull Out of a Recession - the Fastest and Most Ethical Way, Not the Bush Way
By Matthew Rothschild
The Progressive
Friday 11 January 2008

We can't worry about the budget deficit when a recession is upon us.

Even Bush has finally figured out that the economy is facing "some challenges," as he so delicately put it.

As a solution, he is sure to propose making permanent the tax breaks for the rich that he's already put in place.

But there are two problems with this: one ethical, the other economic.

The ethical problem is that the top 1% has already made out like bandits. Their slice of the income pie has grown dramatically over the past few years, while the slices for almost everybody else have shrunk.

The economic problem is that extending the tax cuts won't do anything in the here and now, because those cuts are already in place for the next two years.

On top of that, the economic stimulus from giving the superrich some more money would be next to nothing compared with the stimulus you'd get if you gave almost everybody else some serious tax relief right now.

It is a good idea to cut taxes in a recession.
But those breaks should go to the people who need them, and who will then turn around and spend the extra money they have.

Another way, other than just relying on the Fed to lower interest rates, is for the government to spend more money on urgently needed domestic projects, like rebuilding bridges, which should be an easy sell, given the St. Paul disaster.

Or, as the progressive economist Dean Baker suggests, the government could focus on environmentally sane options.

"There are many ways to make a stimulus package at least partly green," he writes. "For example, we can have generous tax credits for people to install more insulation in their homes, solar panels or other improvements that will reduce energy use. This would be an effective way to reemploy many of the construction workers who are losing their jobs.... We can also give people money and a powerful incentive to use mass transit by giving transit agencies money to reduce fares. If we gave public transit agencies enough money to reduce transit fares by $1 a trip, over the course of a year this would provide the same stimulus as giving a $500 tax rebate to every user of public transit."

But the kind of government spending that Bush prefers is on the military, especially the Iraq War.
Look what we could have bought instead of that disaster.

"The $500 billion that Bush has squandered in Iraq could have paid for 4 million new housing units, or hired 8 million new teachers. And the $2 trillion we may end up spending on this war could pay for universal health care for 12 years," Anita Dances of the National Priorities Project points out in a recent piece for the Progressive Media Project.

What's more, that domestic spending would have been far better for the economy.

"Not all government spending is equal," she notes. "Every billion dollars spent on the military results - directly and indirectly - in fewer jobs and lower quality jobs than a billion dollars spent on education, a recent analysis published by the Political Economy Research Institute showed. That is, the effects of military spending ripple through the economy with much less vigor than government spending on other programs. Plus, domestic spending has a longer lasting impact on the economy. A well-educated, healthy workforce, along with investment in infrastructure, will fuel the new industries of tomorrow."

When facing a recession, we always need to ask: What kind of tax cuts? What kind of deficit spending? For whom, and for what?

Yet another way to ease out of a recession is to increase federal spending to local and state governments, which suffer a budget shortfall during slowdowns but are usually required by law to be in balance. To get there, they then slash their own funding, laying thousands of people off.

We're seeing that prospect right in front of our eyes in California, where Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared a fiscal state of emergency and is calling for 10 percent cuts in almost every department. That will not only send California's economy into a tailspin but it may drag the entire country's economy off the cliff.

More fundamental proposals could also lift us out of recession. Economist Robert Pollin spells some of these out in a recent article in New Labor Forum entitled "A People's Economy Is Possible."

He calls for the creation of one million new jobs in "health care, education, and energy conservation." He also advocates "extending public medical insurance" to every single American who doesn't have it today, and greatly expanding educational opportunities.

Pollin recognizes that this would increase the budget deficit in the short term. But he convincingly argues that this concern is overblown. "The primary problem with the U.S. Treasury's fiscal stance is not the size of the deficit, per se, but how the money is being spent."

It is not the time to worry about the budget deficit when a recession is upon us. It is the time to figure how best to kick start the economy in an ethical manner.

And don't look to Bush for that.
Matthew Rothschild is the editor of The Progressive

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-08 AT 10:51AM (MST)[p]How about doing it the "old" way? Let the economy correct itself through market forces. Stopping spending more then we can afford. Let both the borrower and the banker feel the pain of the housing bubble collapse. Let people go broke in order to learn the lesson of too much debt can lead to personal economic problems.

The flaw in the logic of what else the money spent on the military could have bought is that money would never had been spent of domestic programs.

Logic like this: "The primary problem with the U.S. Treasury's fiscal stance is not the size of the deficit, per se, but how the money is being spent.": Shows that people still think we can spend our way out of debt, even learned economist.

I would prefer no stimulas package and in fact the government to do nothing at all.

What a shock, you post a far leftist "progressive" viewpoint. How about a link/copy of what Gore/Moore/Soros think about it while you're at it.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
I read the title and thought this was going to be about child prevention.
Boy is that full of misleading and false statements. Plus Matthew Rothschild managed to push all the Liberal talking points buttons, class envy, Bush hatred/Bush derangement sydrome, Global Warming, enviromentalist, pull out of Iraq, National Health care, government housing, increase Federal Spending, Scocialism. Yep he pretty much lives up to his moniker of a progressive which is nothing more than a Scocialist. Yea great article T. Rothchilds should move to France it suits him better.

What Nemont said.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Gore/Moore/Soros ???? - I wont post by them because I dont really pay much attention to them. Interestingly enough though, it's guys like PRO that keep their names in the headlines, loose sleep, worry, whine, moan, complain, and just get their panties in a bunch about they are up to and what they are saying - truth be told, most of america does not pay much attention to them either. So, I could give a rip about them or what they are up too.

PRO, youre so deep into the rhetoric youre about to drown in the cool aid bud. not everyone is as pigen-holed as you . . .

My advise to you PRO is to do like I and millions of other and ignore the far left. . .

Now go take on the day. . .
202, you said what I tried to say. My point is TF, that when you QUOTE a leftist, you shouldn't act surprised when you are called on it. Rothchild is in the same camp as the afore mentioned socialists. When YOU quote a socialist, and then try and spin it as "mainstream", it makes YOU look like a socialist. This guy probably got his talking points right from Moveon.Org.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
The flaw in the logic of what else the money spent on the military could have bought is that money would never had been spent of domestic programs.

Great Point....Some are beating this do death as if this money was taken from our domestic programs. Just a new spin I suppose.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-08 AT 01:30PM (MST)[p]
Hum, lets see, I posted an article with a view different than yours, not withstanding mine, because you must have missed my post agreeing with Nemont, and then somehow you extrapolate, conger up, and hypothosize what I might be thinking, and then you suppose that I'm making an argument -

pssst, it's an article, It's not my position . . .

So, think about what it means the next time you want just the facts, but above all else, dont project on to me other's thoughts. . .

BTW, PRO, you said: "My point is TF, that when you QUOTE a leftist, you shouldn't act surprised when you are called on it. Rothchild is in the same camp as the afore mentioned socialists. When YOU quote a socialist, and then try and spin it as "mainstream", it makes YOU look like a socialist."

Show us where I quoted anyone, show us were i've gone beyond Nemont in stating my opinion - Again, youre hitting the coolaid bud, slow down and take a deep breath, were all friends here. . . and for the life of Christ, please stop being so fixated with me and what YOU think I might be thinking, just focus, just this once, on the article. . .

You crack me up, so, If you repost and article from the Washington Post, or the Wall Street Journal which in it are quotes from Al Gore, are YOU going to quote the Editor for that statement? Come on PRO, at least make a point with your rants. . .

Now, go take on the day. . .
GrandpaNasty, I was thinking the same thing as I read the title, couldn't be thoug , not from Tfinal...
If I were to post an article written by some one else, it would be because I agree with it, or make it clear that I disagree with it. That's how it works. Why would I/you post an article if you don't agree with MOST of it? Don't go 'preaching' to me about what should/shouldn't be concluded by posts. If YOU are going to post an article writing by a socialist, that conveys a socialist viewpoint, YOU should not be 'miffed' by being called on it.

I'll make my point AGAIN. This article is nothing more than left-wing drivel that blames America, Bush, and capitalism for the 'bad economy'. Funny, the gloom and doom media/left said how the stock market was going to crash today. They left tried to ruin our economy for their political gain, yet America keeps going forward. And she always will, despite the efforts of the left.

Funny how the left/media were unwilling to give Bush ANY credit when the economy was going great, but now are more than happy to blame him for it going 'south'. There are two types of people, those who blame others/things for their shortcomings, and those who take accountability for their lot in life. I'll leave it to you to conclude which are more likely to be democrats and which are more likely to be conservatives.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
PRO, thanks for finally talking about the issues and ignoring, for the most part who posted it. I posted it because I like to read everything and this I thought was a little bit "out-there," I wanted to hear what other's thoughts were on it without polting the post with my personal views. I thought that by doing that I could avoid a buch of people discussing ME as appoased to the article, I had hoped that the article would cary they day, and for the men on this site it did.
Now tell the truth T you just like to us conservatives go apeshit. Stir the pot a little................maybe............LMAO

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
I love it, 99% of the right wing propaganda posted around here as gospel won't even pass Snopes, but post something left of center and the bats all fall off the cave roof. if I didn't know better I'd think this place was a little biased.
NeMont, you've got to be careful...posting common sense, you will shake some people up and scare others.

I'm not on the list...make about $60,000...of the rich, but do you guys realize that the top 5% of the income group pay much more in total taxes than do the bottom 50% of the population?

Things will NOT work, if we try to get the richest 5% to pay for everything...they are currently paying for about 70% of everything. Some folks should actually read.
dude, of course most on here are conservative, we are fricken hunters, not bunny huggers!

The difference is, we are NOT the "main stream" media, who ARE biased and lean WAY left, yet they/you try and sell their commentary as "moderate" and/or "main stream". See the difference? One, media, is supposed to be "fair and balanced". The other, us MM posters, are NOT!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
You should all know by now that TF posts a lot of stuff just to stimulate discussion. Read post #1. Then read post #2.

whoops, I figured this topic was about birth controll.......

I thought it was gonna be about pulling out of Iraq and was reminded of the old George Carlin bit from the 70s about Viet Nam where he parodies a politician or general when he says "Pull out? Hell no! I say say in there and get job done" and then George says "That is afterall what we are doing to that country isn't it?"


I too thought this was about the 'early withdrawal' method of birth control. Reading the title again I see it say's how to pull out, not when to pull out. My bad.

"Pro , fair and balanced like FAUX News you mean?... Otay "

Exactly Buckwheat. Fox is every bit as unbiased as the "mainstream" media. If Fox is biased, so is CBS, ABC, NBC,CNN, PMSNBC, PBS, New York Times, AP, Washington Post, Boston Globe, NPR, LA Times, EVERY Seatle paper, etc, etc, etc. Difference is, liberals only see the bias' from the one side. I watch Fox about as often as I watch the other ambulance chaser channels, rarely.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Well Pro oddly enough what is stated in this article by the crazed left wing liberal author is oddly enough verbatim from a speech that Dwight Eisenhower gave.

Our current administration has hit the cash box with corporate give aways to Oil, Banks, and Credit Card companies. I agree with Nemont that this current administration should do nothing. Because everything it touches turns to crap instantly. It appears that as of the last 2 decades, the dems understand how to stimulate the economy and women better than the republicants.

The article mentions how CA is currently in a fiscal crisis. A fiscal crisis helped created by Deckface Cheney when our state was ripped off by the energy companies. Guess we'll never who was at that meeting, odd for a public servant to keep that information a secret. I digress.

Pro, try looking up some stuff on Eisenhower and I think you might be surprised, liberal left, I don't think so. Ike spoke of what 1 million dollars could buy, if not spent on the military. After multiple examples he ends his speech with a question. Do we as Americans want to live in a world where Humanity is placed on an Iron Cross?

Outside of all that, how ya been? This weather probably has got you sidelined a lot? Weren't you telling me last year that you climb way the hell up on those towers?
Hey PRO, I think youre the one that always is telling everyone to answer the questions, now why dont you be a man and follow your own advise:

"Show us where I (TFINAL) quoted anyone, show us were i've gone beyond Nemont in stating my opinion - Again, youre hitting the coolaid bud, slow down and take a deep breath, we're all friends here. . . and for the life of Christ, please stop being so fixated with me and what YOU think I might be thinking, just focus, just this once, on the article. . .

You crack me up, so, If you repost and article from the Washington Post, or the Wall Street Journal which in it are quotes from Al Gore, are YOU going to quote the Editor for that statement? Come on PRO, at least make a point with your rants. . . "
"Outside of all that, how ya been? This weather probably has got you sidelined a lot? Weren't you telling me last year that you climb way the hell up on those towers?"

This has been a brutal winter. I have been pulling some outrageous hours. You are probably correct, I am more cranky than normal. Rather than make 'enemies' and give TF a complex (j/k), I'll stay away from the politics for a while. I just don't see how we can say "what if" when it comes to a war, like as if people really believe Bush just went to war for the hell of it, talk about drinking the kool-aid.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
I just don't see how we can say "what if" when it comes to a war, like as if people really believe Bush just went to war for the hell of it, talk about drinking the kool-aid.


+1 very good words!
Pro, I'll bet it's like Siberia cold out there. It's fricken snowing here in the Bay Area, California sunshine my butt! Well hang in there buddy this weather got to break by May. :)

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