How to get email notification of PM?



I read through FAQs and all and am wondering how can I get an email notification when someone PMs me, or is that possible?

Ok Bill, if someone PM's you the notification will be at the heading of the main forum page, i'm not sure e mail is an option.
Crud!!! I'm pretty sure there is a place where you can mark a box that says "If someone responds to your post" it will send you a e-mail. I don't mark that one 'cause I can't deal with the rejection! damnit! check with founder dude! I'm sure it can be done!

Bill, I don't think it's possible. Maybe it just something that Founder has to turn on? Alot of forums have that option

The only way you can get an e-mail notification is when you make a post or start a post and someone makes a reply. When you make your post and before you have it posted, there is a small "check box" right under the message box that states if you want an e-mail when someone replies to your post, you will get one that way. But not for the PM's that are sent, you will just have to wait and see when you log in if there is a small "red flag" at the very top edge of the Main Forum pages when logged in.


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