How smart are you?

dammit man, what dot is it on #56? It's 11:57 pm and I can't go to be till I get past it.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-08 AT 07:56PM (MST)[p]

Ok i'm up to #92.......driving me nucking futz
tageater, tells us how to get past #56. it's only with team work that we can beat this monster. What freakin dot is it?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-08 AT 08:54PM (MST)[p]Thanks Fug.......
some more hints that you'll need, #59 click fast.

thumbs up , filth, ! ----those are three hints to three more questions.

holler if you get more stuck,
what's the deal with the meteors????? #66 do you need to click one???? I did figure out #56 while my wife was playing though, made me feel smart. I figured out the BOGGY painting today while I was working. Judast tageater what have you got us doing????

avoid all the red stuff, the green shooting star will come across the bottom, left to right

I dont think its the end, but i'm done...#92 is as far as im going.....aint that stuff fun?
AH hell i cant quit either. just bumped up to #96.....thats all for the night though.....

#96 you need to remember the colors again!!!! of all the damn clues.

its called addictivegames for a reason
So let me understand this....after the 3 lives are gone you have to start at the beginning, #1, and go through the whole thing again? I got to #15 and said #!@& it!!! Is there a secret so you don't have to start back at #1?

Not that i know real bad when you get to 90+ and have to start over!!!! i think i hate myself! No , i'm sure i do.

Hell I still need a bridge

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they will!
How the hell do you clip the toenails so fast on #82? My nerves are shot...........
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-08 AT 02:20PM (MST)[p]I dont wanna give too much away,

but coloradoman.....put the cursor on the blue dot then click,then red dot and click, back to blue and click then to yellow.

as for a bridge----click and hold the button down....move cursor to the other dot....

clip the toe kinda gotta expect they're coming so be ready.

ok some more help for once you get there:
if someone had green things it'd be prince

dont be afraid to skip

very young dogs are blind

and for #92 i'm just gonna make it real easy.....

27 3 .4 26 9 194 2.5 14 1.
Is there a numerical code for #92 or am I looking for somthing else?
Don't feel bad mlycrzy I have spent the next 17 years of my F-word stash........
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-08 AT 06:45PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-08 AT 05:04?PM (MST)

If you've got to #92, you realize i've just given you the number values to the people.....the clue is decending! knowing the numbers makes clicking them in the right order possible

enjoy the concert once you get passed that bomb, but dont get too relaxed, #93 has a bomb on a short timer.....dont worry about it too much, just move it!

It doesn't end with 100......#101 got me! until i learned how to spell chihuahua real fast!
send me PM if you want help on a particular ?. other wise i'm gonna put this one to bed.
And I cannot get passed #65......ive yet to see a green meteor....lotsa red stuff...tried each choice....tried it about 30 times.....dont want to spell horse ever again!

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