How old were you


Long Time Member
when you saw your first nekid woman? either in the flesh, magazine or movie.

I think i was about 9 or 10. I remember as a kid going to see Easy Rider at the drive in with my parents and siblings. we were stuffed in the back area of the station wagon and given some toys and games to entertain us. course I was at that curious age and saw a few scenes with partial nudity. that may explain a few things about me.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-09 AT 10:41AM (MST)[p]Are we talking woman or girl? When I was about six I watched my next door neighbor put on her bathing suit. She was about 13 or 14. Does that count?

And that, my friend, may explain a little something about me. :)
ahhh brings back memories of what we did on our honeymoon
LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-09 AT 12:19PM (MST)[p]Soooooo what you are saying is Two turkey necks were skinned on your Honeymoon, huh!
Feleno, are you on the sex offenders website in Utah? Just curious if your allowed to have firearms. You scare me a little bit. lol

I'm still waiting to see my first, dang mods always seem to nuke em before I get a peek at of these days the stars will align :)

after 10 years of good behavior i was able to petition to get my name taken off the list.

you poor boy... guess i'll have to email you a few pictures :)
I don't know exactly. My dad had "the" Marilyn Monroe calendar in the barn office. Wish I had it now...........$$$$$$$.......

Maybe a year later, the babysitter showed me all her stuff.....and I was ruint from that day on.
Please feleno, no. I have a pretty good idea of what you look like, and a full grown 40 year old man in drag with lipstick smeared from his lips all the way around the top of his head is no picture I want sent my way. lol

my counselor (pictured below) has assured me that my pictures on file are 100% confidential. now unless you are sleeping with this gal i don't think you have a chance of ever seeing them

LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-09 AT 04:00PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-09 AT 03:59?PM (MST)

This is getting deep!!!! LMAO +1 Feleno / 0 Stinky. You upped the ante when you made fun of his lipstick I guess? :) I guees I will give you a point for that, +1 Stinky!! I have a feeling this is going to be a close race. To get bumped by 2 points you have to get real creative:)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-09 AT 04:01PM (MST)[p]well slap me thrice and hand me to me mumma!!

do those float??
Your counselor told me to post the picture she took of you the first time she saw you. She said to crop the head to save her from a law suit just in case. She said you were gender confused at the time. You thought you might be a hermaphrodite.??! did u ever get that issue resolved?


Alright feleno, I'm turning back the clock on my computer 6 months so my trial version of paintshop pro will still think its on its free trial period. Bring it on butt munch rofl!..............

I'm actually shaking a little here. Lord have mercy on stinky!

Captain Speedo was an ugly time in my life and almost more regretable then what i did to get sent to jail were the pictures of me taken in privacy that have somehow become public.

but lets disgress to happier times. many don't know this but i was a groomsmen at stinkys wedding, also the cake decorator, wedding organizer, dj and photographer. here is a picture of the happy couple getting ready to depart on the way to their honey moon in New Jersey.

stink... i havent even started with the good stuff yet :)

ROFL! I will have to wait and see what's in feleno's closet tomorrow. I have an anniversary tonight and won't be around to keep you in check. However tomorrow I will put the one two smackdown knockout punch to ya! And just so you know that looks close but it can't be pictures of me, I don't drink! lol

you may not have been drinking alcohol but lets clarify something, you were drinking. Being the photographer at the wedding has its benefits and i took a picture of your glass.
The Mrs. Stink was saying something about performance problems but we all assume she was talking about your truck.
thaks for the laugh the wife post was great. the nuts and flag post was over the top funny.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
Stinky I believe that liquid viagra was the one two punch. I don't think a man can ever bounce back from having his "performance" in question. +1 Feleno

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