How much snow around Newcastle?



Just wondering how much snow is on the ground in and around Newcastle?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-12 AT 06:08AM (MST)[p]I've used the site below to look at averages. Just change the month and you look at the precip (inches). I did a quick search and it doesnt look like newcastle has had much rain/snow the past two months.,month&month=11

This site will give you the current snow depth. Newcastle has less than an inch.

hope this helps.

wisconsinfarmer---In case you might be thinking about putting in for antelope in unit 7 just west of Newcastle, I would strongly advise against it. Whereas the herd in the area was in good shape in 2010 when I was there, they took a real bad hit last winter and the rancher I know on the south edge of the unit is advising to look south of there for goats. That's why the F&G cut tag numbers way down in unit 7 last Fall and many who had applied thinking it was a slam dunk to draw got refunds in their mailboxes.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-12 AT 08:23AM (MST)[p]I talked to the gamewarden of the area and he said deer and antelope are both down in the area and advised looking somewhere else for next fall.
Visible satellite imagery (daytime) is useful this time of year in showing snow cover when clouds are not around. Right now coverage is pretty sparse away from the mts. except up around Jackson-yellowstone and south/southeast of the Wind Rivers. There are some areas from north of Elk Mt. to near Casper that seem to still have significant snow coverage. Otherwise the I-80 corridor is getting a much-needed break this year so far, and the northern half of the state (east of the parks) has only sparse snow coverage.

Animating the imagery helps eliminate the fresh shallow-coverage areas, which would melt quickly anyways.
Thanks for the links will be helpful for the future, and I am interested in unit 7 but until they have a few good winters I probably won't be back. I did have the luck of going last year and did manage to connect on a nice one but it was few and far between. I did however cover a lot of ground and did see what I would say was a good amount of mules and on public ground, twice I seen what would have been 160's 7x7 and lots of good bucks that would be really nice in a year or two if they don't end up dead.

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