In addidtion to working part time in a pro shop, I also buy and sell used bows online from time to time. At best you are going to get $350 and maybe if your realy lucky up to $400. Those prices are only if its fully loaded with top of the line gear such as what you have. More than likley people will be wanting to buy your set up in the $330-350 range. If you want to sell it quick, I bet you could if you went as low as $300. I am sure thats not what you want to hear but as already mentioned, bows don't hold their value over time. Some bow are better at holding value longer than others such as Mathews, but even then they loose a lot. Right now in the free classifieds sections of Archery Talk, Bowsite,and other bowhunting web sites, and even ebay, you can buy fully loaded one year old Hoyt Trykons in the $400 to $550 range just depening upon what gear goes along with it.