How Much is your gear worth?

  • Thread starter TheGreatWhiteHunter
  • Start date


LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-10 AT 07:27AM (MST)[p]I recently heard from a friend that he had a back pack stolen and it had some gear in it Binos and GPS and some other stuff roughly $1500 in gear including the pack.

It got me thinking about how valuable some of my hunting gear is. I have heard to many stories about people who were out hunting and left gear in their truck or back at camp and found that it was gone when they came back to the truck or the camp.

It made me think about how I would not want to wear valuable jewerly or carry large amount of cash around because I could get robbed for its value. But as hunters we carry thousands of dollars of gear sometimes on a hunt.

I have heard of people having their animals stolen when just hanging in camp,I also have heard of people in the field having their animals taken from them. I have not ever heard of anyone being robbed for their gear in the field but I am sure it has happened.

How many of you guys have your hunting gear insured against loss or theft and is it fully covered all of it? I cant imagine trying to replace a bunch of gear on my own dollar hard enough to buy once let alone twice.

Here is an example of some one who may be packing in to the Mountains to hunt and the type of gear they may have. May not apply to average Joe Hunter but I have seen more than a few people packing similar equipment.

Rifle $750.00 scope $750 rings/bases $50 $1550.00 total

Back Pack ( a higher end brand) $400.00

Sleeping Bag $250.00 sleeping pad $150.00 total $400.00

Hilleberg Tent $500.00

Portable camp stove $100

GPS $400 Map card $100.00 total $500.00

Swarovski El Binoculars $2000.00 Swarovski spotting scope $1750.00
Carbon Fiber Tripod $500 Total $3250.00

Range finder $300

Digital camera $300.00

Water purifier $80.00

Flash light $50.00 head lamp $50.00

Knife and sharpening kit $100.00

Boots $300.00 Camo clothing $ 200.00 Total $500.00

Total of example gear one may have on a hunt all though the gear I listed may not be what the average hunter owns but it is not un common for the Western hunter to have this higher end gear.

$8080.00 Dollars

Now imagine replacing this gear if it was stolen and you did not have it insured, or the insurance did not cover it.

Makes you think dont it?

Colorado, U.S.A
My greatest fear is that I die on a hunt and my wife sells my gear for what I told her it costs. And not what it's worth.
Heaven forbid you passing, but if you do I hope I catch your wife's E-Bay sales!!! Sorry I couldn't resist!
PJ, now that is funny stuff right
there, A guy can never tell his
wife how much we spend on our
gear! Just like we don't want
to here about them paying $130.00
for a pair of jeans! LMFAO!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-10 AT 01:32PM (MST)[p]Well lets see.

Rifle - 300Ultra - $1,500
Leica Binos - $1,200
Swaro Spotter - $2,000
Ruger Red Label - $1,400
Horses - $5,200
LQ Trailer - $25,000
Mathews Z7 - $1,400
Mathews LD - $1,200
Badlands Packs - $500
Kifaru tent, stove - $1,200
Camo clothing - $900
Sitka Gear - $1,000
Other guns - $9,000
Horse Trailer - $5,000
Knifes - $800
Calls and misc - $1,000
Truck - $40,000
ammo - $1,000
arrows and broadhead - $1,000


aprox 1,500 of delicious wild game meat harvested.

Taxidermy & pictures - PRICELESS

Forgot boots - $500

so $100,800
Swarovski 20x60x80 spotting scope---1,500.00 in 2004.
Swaro EL 10x42 bino's---------------1,700.00 in 2005.
Hilleberg Atko 1 man tent-------------360.00
Jetboil stove-------------------------100.00
Eberlestock Just One J-105------------300.00
Kenetrek boots------------------------340.00
Matthews Drenalin with attachments--1,200.00
Sleeping bag--------------------------300.00
sleeping pad---------------------------80.00
Water filter pump---------------------100.00
Outdoorsmans tripod-------------------500.00

Sometimes I use an ATV to get to the trail head to save wear and tear on the truck.

Arctic Cat ATV-----------------------8,000.00
Used ATV Trailer-----------------------800.00

Its hard to find a good hunting partner but when you do you sometimes have to have enough gear to help outfit him until he can get his owne which can take several years. So this is a list of my extra gear.

Leica Televid 77--------------------1,200.00
Badlands 4500-------------------------300.00
Another Outdoorsmans tripod-----------500.00

I'm afraid to add all of this up.
In Nevada, we don't have a big problem with theives in the back country yet so I don't have a problem with leaving my camp alone all day while out hunting. I still take precautions when leaving high dollar items such as a spotting scope in camp. I'll stash the scope in some bushes or in a nook or cranny in the cliff rocks. I'm more afraid to leave my truck parked somewhere than I am to leave my camp unattended in the high backcountry. If somebody finds my camp they must be as crazy as I am and are probably a bowhunter who in most cases is a man that respects other bowhunters. fatrooster.
Ouch I thought I had alot invested. I know in the future I will have 2-3 times What I have now... the only things I have insured are my bows. 5 in my house.

Mathews monster....1800
Hoyt carbon matrix....2400
Hoyt avenger....900
2 hoyt trykon Jr....800 each

Bows 6900

Skyline ed + tripod... 900
Zen ray binos... 400
Eberlestock j1... 300
Badlands ox...480
Nikon archers choice rangedinder...300

I wont get into all my rifles and all the small crap and all the camo associated with all of this... frankly I don't want to know..roughly when I hunt I'm walking around with 4-5 k in gear...
I know exactly what all my hunting stuff was worth because every bit of it except my rifles was just stolen out of my truck. The total came to $6,664. This was all in my pack and they just smashed out my window and snagged my pack and my bow. Insurance will be covering it.
Add in what you spend on licenses, this year I drew an antelope tag in Nevada with 4 points, my first license in Nevada. $250 a year for five years plus 300 for the tag, $1,300 for the antelope hunt. You add up all the western states, gas, truck, rifles, scopes, spotting scopes, wall tent, range finder, boots, clother, 4-wheeler, ammo, and the list goes on.

It is well over 100K

boy i guess i hunt cheap.
swaro spotter 1750
nikon binocs 400
leica rangefinder 400
gps/rino 450
badlands pack 200
bow/ accessories 1000
weatherby/scope 2550
misc gear/clothing 500
total comes in at about 8 grand
it helps that i inherited my atv (grampas 85 chev 1/2 ton)
and his wall tent.
i guess if you count my horses and truck/trailer i could compete with some of you guys.
total return on investment is one trophy deer and a whole bunch of good times.......worht it!!!!!
hunting has also cost me three good girlfriends no idea what they were worth probably around $50 bucks each!!!!!
The point is to make sure all your gear is covered and make sure your firearms and the scopes are covered by insurance for replacement value.

If your gear is valuable or just valuable to you you really need to make sure it is properly covered.

Some policies do not cover accessories of gear and they dont always cover firearms, it is not enough to just have insurance.

You need to know what your coverages are and if something is stolen will the insurance company pay you the replacment value and not just repay you what you paid originally, remember things go up in price.

If I carrying my camp on my back and my rifle the total value of gear on a walk in back pack type hunt is around $8000.00 and I know it is covered if something gets lost or stolen.

Colorado, U.S.A
Just my fishing lures, that i don't fish with, are insured for 30K and at that, i'd lose money. Between hunting and fishing...a lot!! :)

My gear is worth about $100.00 so if I thrash it or lose it I ain't missin' much HEHEHHE....except my rifles..they's my sweethearts...
LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-10 AT 02:20PM (MST)[p]That is so terrible to hear that we can't even trust fellow sportsmen or people who just love to recreat in the outdoors.

My hunting partner and I just had a bunch of our hunting gear stolen too. Hicked back in to a very remote place in MT and left our extra gear and food. The pack is over 8 miles in over very rugged terrain. Neither of us were in good enough shape to haul 12 days of food and gear that far in. Went back in to hunt and someone had taken all the food, tent, sleeping bag, pads, stove, and several other random small non perrishable items that were all hidden in the tops of the trees. Trust me that was a very disapointing and long 16 mile round trip in one day. Guess it just goes to show when you think you're in there deep and you can trust fellow sportsmen you get a big surprise. Needlees to say our tag and hunt went to waist.
TR175... That's very bad to hear! I'd be cautious leaving stuff in the truck but being 8 miles in and it still got stolen is unfrickinbelievable!!!
Hey Tabby, it just devistates me that fellow sportsmen (even if they were just fishermen) can't be trusted. It could have been a little more serious if we would have headed in a day earlier. It was raining and snowing and we would have made it to our stash right at dark. Luckily we only had to travel back out in the dark for about 4 miles. Thank god I didn't leave my good head lamp in there.
That is unbelievable that someone would steal that stuff that far in!
It scares me how much the good stuff costs when I go hunting.Replacement costs.
Swaro spotter $3000
Leica Duovid Binocs $3000
Gps $200
Spot locating device+subsciption $300
Tripod $200
Backpack $400
Custom Rifle $5000
Rangefinder $600
Headlamps $150
Sitka raingear $400
Cameras and lenses $3500
Doctor Optic Big Eyes $3600
Misc. Camo clothing $1000
Total over 20 grand not including truck,quad and trailer used when not backpacking.
Hope those PETA-treehuggers aren't reading this post, next thing you now our camps will start disappearing, just like the trail cams.:) WTF stop tell the thieving lowlifes what the S@@t costs they will be all over the mountains stealing camps and breaking into trucks.JMO.

And by the way my wife reads these posts now i'm going to be in trouble your prices don't match what I told her I spent!!! THANKS ALOT BROS. :) founder nuke this post before our wives read it. PLEASSSSE!
You guys are making me feel a little under prepared...I better go see my banker about getting a loan to catch up with you all, maybe then I will kill bigger critters!
SWEEEEET!!!! thankyou time my ol lday gives me a hard time about buyin huntin going to sit here down in front of the computer and pull this thread up and tell here see...see...i told you i dont have a addiction...these guys have a addiction....hehe...thanks boys!!!!
Will you guys please provide me with GPS coordinates and times of when and where your gear will be in your truck?

Anybody else thinking how easy it is to find addresses on the internet these days...... If I had anything of value I wouldn't be posting it.... Terry
LOL. That's funny Stickman. I'll bet you just gave some guys a butt-pucker. Then again, knowing that most posts are at least 50% BS the crooks might be disappointed when they show up...

Our houses "and equipment" are protected by the good Lord and a gun

And you might meet 'em both if you show up here not welcome son
"Our houses and equipment are protected by the good Lord and a gun.
And you might meet'em both if you show up here not welcome son."

+1, I love that tune!!

The neighbors here are all very close, excellent shots, and very protective of each others stuff. There is, ah, easier ways to make a dollar than rip off one of us.

I dont dare add it up. if i do my wife might see me typing it and get a crazy idea of her own!

so,,,i think my stuff must be worth about 80 or 90 dollars.

Blacks-Creek Pack Dealer
Havalon Knife Dealer
+1 woodruffhunter

While it might be an interesting exercise, I don't think I want to know and I'm sure my wife doesn't!
I am sure my stuff amounts to quite a bit of MULA, but its always safe because I hunt right out of the truck with my stuff by my side. Ha Ha, couldn't resist. I think sometimes we trust in the hunters code too much in places where its not only hunters on the mountain. I can't even remember the last time I locked the truck or trailer while away from camp. I guess I have been lucky and never had anything stolen. Sure opens your eyes though when you start adding up the cost of all the stuff you leave unattended while out hunting.
Whiskey, for medicinal purposes only - priceless!

Life is like riding bulls. You're never truly ready ..... it just gets to be your turn.
Sorry no way, not going to put it print ! That way it cant be used aganst me . If you just started with toy hauler,truck and wheelers its bad enough. Guns ,optics... Too scary cant go there !
I've got a snot full of money invested in my gear, and I've got gear to do anything a guy could want to do. So total invested I have no idea really but its a lot. The only thing I have that couldnt be replaced is my knife that was built by an Uncle that was killed by a lightening strike before I was born. He was my dad's brother and was actually killed when my dad was about 5 years old. So the knifes been handed down from my Uncle to my grandmother to my dad and them to me. Its been used to skin game of all kinds, peel taters in Granny's kitchen and been on my hip for about 20 years now several diffrent states, doing everything a knife like that is supposed to do. So if you include the knife in my gear inventory I wouold have to say its priceless.

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