How much is good humor worth?? $$$


Long Time Member
Alright here we go again with crazy people/things happenin on the night shift a guy comes walking thru the door and instantly I recognize him and know his first and last name but for the life of me can't figure out where I know him from...still can't figure it out. Of course he doesn't recognize me with my shaved head and proceeds to tell me this long drawn out story about he's stuck on I-15 with no gas or money and needs $25 to get back to Logan...

Tim: "Can I please borrow $25 and I'll mail it back to you tomorrow or bring it back by next week when I'm back in Salt Lake."

Me: "You promise you'll mail it back tomorrow Mr Tim Montegue??"

Tim: with a really shocked look on his face, "How do you know my name??"

Me: "It's a gift (lol in my head), I probably know more about you than you probably want me to...but yes I'll loan you $25 as long as you send it back tomorrow"

Tim: "OH WOW, THIS HAS GOT TO BE the most bizarre thing that's ever happened to me!!...kind of scary in a way...but thank you so much and yes I'll send it right back first thing in the morning, I promise."

So I give him the cash along with my name and an address to send it back to...

LMAO whether he sends it back or not oh well I guess but I can't imagine what's going thru that dude's head right now!! LOL I can't stop laughing about it and I'll bet ya he'll be thinking about it all the way back to Logan well into next week!!

I see all kinds of crazy stuff working the night shift!! LMAO

I just don't know were to begin. I think the guy who thought his head was an egg makes me laugh the most. His wife called the police because he was walking around in the kitchen hitting himself in the head with a fry pan. (Trying to crack the egg) He had some minor lumps and marks,, lmao. Don't do drugs!!!
LMAO that's funny rugarm77!! Are you an officer?? If so share some more stories sometime, I'll bet you got a pile of em :)

LAST EDITED ON Mar-16-10 AT 07:18AM (MST)[p]>LMAO that's funny rugarm77!! Are you
>an officer?? If so share
>some more stories sometime, I'll
>bet you got a pile
>of em :)

LOL Yes, I greet many people every night. I will do that for sure...
LOL rug, so you show up, the guy is full of lumps from a fry pan and the lady says he thought he was an egg and hit sure you got the right person ?
People generally show some concern when you say you know more about them then they think you know.....when you give them a hint, it really flips them out. I hope Tim sends you the money back.....if not, you can probably find him on FB!!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-16-10 AT 11:16AM (MST)[p]EdleBrock lol I see your point. I work in the Jail and had the pleasure of processing him. Even for the first few hours in jail he still insisted his head was an egg.

Some things are not as they seem,

We had a female come in one night on drug charges. The female officer doing the search felt something "Down there". The officer asked if she was wearing a pad, she responded yes. Long story short after a strip search SHE turned out to be a HE with breast implants but still had the,,,, YA!!!!! Package!!! Imagine the officers surprise, lmao.

These types you can usually spot right off. In this case the police officer that brought him in were convinced he was a she. Guess we were all fooled for a minute. BTW Wiz not cute at all!!
LMAO rug, I guess I've seen too many episodes of cops. BTW, you have a job I have no desire to have. My hat's off to you.
My reading comprehension is terrible! that and I don't have my glasses on.

I thought the title read "Hummer" not humor

I was reading expecting to hear about a bj from a guy, for fuel.....yuck, LMAO!
never_catch, I think that's the best $25 you ever spent. No telling how much you're going to get out of that. LOL! The ball is clearly in his court. He'll either send you the money or spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder. Either way, you win. LOL!

B_BOP been a few of them!!

Never_C, I failed to mention that what you did was great. If you get paid back you will have to let us know. Your good deed will come back and help you sometime. They always seem to.

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