How much for a typical antelope hunt? Anywhere.


Active Member
I am going to the Texas panhandle and it is about $1250 or so for the private landowner permit plus the cost of the out of state license? Is this a good deal? Any other ideas for ANYWHERE would be great for next year. Thanks.
If you Get a couple Surface area ownership maps from the BLM... and look at draw odds on the Wyoming G&Fish You and your frinds Can put in for a tag / and do a complete Public land Hunt for around $1,000 and that's including everything including 2 stops at Cabela's Superstores...

This year we are going 4 in my truck with only the Two adults paying the way Food/Gas etc... and with everything included... we will spend a week on BLM land chasing lopes... We usually sleep in 1 tent (with a small heater for the mornings) and also sleep under the truck topper... Every season is different weather, so we plan on Cold and Hot clothing and other types of gear to make our flat-top hunt enjoyable.

It dosen't take much online time to plan a hunt...just remember that you might not draw your first pick (dates) buy if you read the odd sheets... you will almost always get to hunt goats in Wyoming...

Good Luck! 330-Trapper
That might not be the best deal, but it doesn't sound bad. Let us know how it turns out. I'm thinking about taking my eight year old on an antelope hunt next year and Texas would not be a bad drive for us.
Well, after my friends/ and cousin went through a couple box's of winchester power point .243,100gr.. I finally got the ok from the doctor to shoot it myself... I switched to Federal 100gr's and my group got tighter...
I then asked a few questions on a Handgun Hunting forum (another site) and found out that you have to develop a support for the rear of your handgun if you are going to hold steady out to 200 or more; so I made a 23" adjustable rear tri-pod out of 3 old fiberglass tent stakes and a piece of 3/8" fuel-line for the top cradle...a fancier design than one I saw on the other site.

I am now shooting well out to 200yards on my range. I do better prone with my bench bi-pod and rear sandbags which I killed 17 beani-babies to use the insides to fill the bags with. When I use the sitting position at 200 my group opens up, but all still in the kill zone on the lifesize paper targets I use...
A long winded way of saying that the Striker is one unbelievable hunting tool when you take the time to learn it.

Durring my first two months of recovery from the stroke I had never opened my Wyoming lope tag envelope tags...had just put them in the dresser drawer still sealed, assuming that they were for the first season starting Sept: 25th, but yesterday while packing I decided to do the Walk-in permit for our area Online and in that process realized that I had tags for the second season Oct. 5th- 25th... about depressed!!! We almost spent 500.00bucks driving to Wyoming two weeks early!!!

Thank God literally, that I found it out while we still had time to re-arange schedules... it just didn't seem important after my stroke, knowing that we had drawn a tag and hadn't gotten our money back was almost our downfall...

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