How many years



How long have you been applying for a desert sheep tag? I have been applying for almost 20 yrs in my home state of Arizona! But I have guided 4 people that have ONLY applied 5 or less yrs and think it is easy!
This time around - ten years. This is my eleventh. I drew in 1986 after only 4 or 5 years. Then the ten year wait. Now I am ten years into the draw again. Of course I will beat he odds and draw my second desert tag this year. Hah! I doubt it but one can hope. I do know several who have drawn two and even one who drew three. And I know several who have drawn after only a couple of years. I guess that's why they call it luck of the draw.

I'd rather be lucky than good.
I drew a desert tag the first time I applied anywhere. 18 year dry hole ever since.

Got lucky as a Nevada resident on my 11th try. Drew the tag in 2003, and have to wait until 2014 before I can apply again.
Still haven't drawn a Desert but have drawn 2 rocky tags two states.

I"m feeling a Desert Ram tag this year! ha

Utah or Nv. or ..gulp ARIZONA.... 'woody for a week' on the spot with that tag!

Some things are not fair in life and that is just the way it is! I have been putting in for Desert Sheep in my home state of Utah for 35 years, without success. I made the fatal mistake of missing putting in the first year of the bonus point system. That year I had a long awaited Caribou hunt already paid for and I was afraid I might draw a sheep tag and then not have the time I needed to get a sheep. That mistake put me behind about 8 years in the draw. I now have a 1 in 6 chance of drawing in the area I am putting in for. I will most likely draw within the next 5 or 6 years unless I die first, since I am now very near the top bonus points pool. But that will mean I have played this game for 40 years before finding success.

Side Note: I did draw a Wyoming Bighorn tag after 15 years of putting in because I got in on the beginning of their bonus point system and didn't make the mistake I made in Utah.

Lesson: If you want to be lucky---don't hang around with me!
I've been applying for I believe almost ten years in Arizona and have not drawn. Really don't expect to draw in the next thirty years either. My dad's been applying for 25 years with no luck. A friend took 44 years of applying and finally drew a 15B West tag. My neighbor drew on the first year she applied and killed a nice ram...
I was in all of the various Desert Bighorn draws for about a dozen years before I drew. When I did draw, I hit the jackpot with New Mexico's tag in 2004.
I knew a gentleman here in town that had and was applying for the Desert tag in AZ for over 35 years and never drew. He passed away without making his GS, he had a 3/4 Slam and only needed the Desert. He had the money to buy at an auction but felt he needed to do it the right way, apply for in those states that had the sheep.

He is in Sheep Heaven now.

Been putting in for over 20 years for various desert tags. This is the year!!. I'v already failed on 3 draws this year. Did get drawn for a WY bighorn after over 15 years. But only got drawn cuz of the preference point system and got in on the ground floor.

from the Heartland of Wyoming"
This year will be my first, hopefully I'll draw and get out and leave the rest of the tags to you guys who are taking decades to draw. Naw, probably won't happen, it'll probably take 20 years at least.....
I applied for 15 years in four states before I drew my bighorn tag here in Idaho in 1993. Been applying ever since in every state and raffle I can afford, and still unsuccessful! Some things are worth the wait, tho. :)
I forgot to mention that my mom drew after 1 year and my brother drew on his 2nd year. Both got great rams, but I think they used all the luck. My dad has applied for over 30 years and me almost 20. THERE IS NO JUSTICE!!! But congrats to the OTHERS! Even though I am very jealous! LOL
Maddglasser is right, there is no justice! I have been applying in multiple states for 24 years. So far I am 0 for 164 applications...but who's counting. I used to think I might get to hunt sheep twice in certain states. Now I just hope to get drawn before I'm on medicare. To make matters worse I buy a pile of raffle tickets, have max points in six states, and I don't apply in the hardest to draw "trophy" areas. Every time I hear about somebody drawing the first time they apply I think to myself that someone else has to be on the other end of the law of averages. That would be me
I never expected to draw. I thought I would just start building point. low and behold I drew a desert sheep tag after 3 long years. j/k

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