how many years have you waited to draw that tag and still don't have it


Long Time Member
OK I just want to see how many guys out there who weren't as lucky as all of the posts here. How many years have you been putting in for a tag and still didn't get it this year.
For me it is
Antelope in California 35 years and that was before the point system I now have 14 points and still no tag
Deer Elk Sheep 14 years
Deer Elk Antelope in Utah
12 years
Elk 8 years
Deer 8 years ( maybe still a chance this year )
Antelope 8 years

I was wondering if anyone can beat the 35 years for Antelope
Kalifornicated, Antelope 50 years!! They have had the draw for 52 years. Just drew Paunsy with 20 points this year.
I'm at about 14 years for Utah goat. I have a bunch of Utah elk points, but I haven't been "unsuccessful", just been getting points. I actually wish I could give all my points to my wife.

Brian Latturner
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16 Points Utah Deer
7 Points Wyoming Deer
7 Points Nevada Deer/Elk/Sheep
6 Points Colorado Deer

I would be getting pretty depressed about my drawing history if it were not for getting lucky twice with Utah Expo Permits.
I have been applying for Oregon sheep since I was able to hunt. 38 years later I am no closer to a sheep tag when I started hunting.

Guys like rich and loneWati make me quit feelin sorry for myself. I only have 16 moose points, 16 sheep points, 15 goat points and 13 bear points in colorado. Maybe someday.
I applied 45 years for a Utah desert sheep permit before I finally drew the tag two years ago. I still have 21 Utah elk points, waiting a go at a big bull. 15 Utah bear points, 14 Nevada desert sheep points and 10 Wyoming deer and moose points.
I drew a Colorado deer with 18 points in 2011, a Wyoming antelope with 8 points the same year, and a Wyoming Bighorn tag came with only 6 points back when the point system first started.
So some luck has blown my way, but not much.
Patience is a virtue.
LAST EDITED ON May-25-16 AT 11:19PM (MST)[p]Your gonna hate me...

2 pts...drew Beaver East, Bull, Archery (in 2012)
6 pts...drew Book Cliffs, Bison, any weapon (in 2016)

I expect to draw a few expo tags in the near future.
we'll from the sounds of it I am not alone in the unsuccessful part. I am hoping again this year to get my Antelope tag in California and to change things up a little I had my Son choose which hunt we would apply for.
I started applying for this tag when he was 3 and then started putting him with me when he was about 15 so the both of us would be really happy if we actually drew a tag.
The guys who are lucky like the last fellow who drew with a few points are just that lucky.
Maybe this year 36 is my lucky number
----++++1 Sherlock LOL
Most don't like Us!!

drew an idaho moose tag first time into the draw age at age 16

drew LE deer utah 3 pts
drew OIL goat 9 pts
drew LE elk (early rifle) 6 pts

How ever Colorado doesn't seem to like me, I put in for a unit that took 7 points the last 2 years and i now have 10 and haven't drawn
Hey pushin_30 and Sherlock....
Are you boys making any donations to Fish and Game when you apply?

In Utah when you apply online, it asks if you are willing to donate to wildlife habitat. I never have. I'm wondering if there is a correlation between those who donate and seem to have better luck in the draws and those who don't ever donate and seem to never draw no matter how many points they got. Kind of like elkassasin! I bet he never donates :)

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
DeerHunter53 and YBO, that's terrible!

I started putting in for antelope in CA the first year it was offered. It took 13 years before I drew. I then waited 10 years and put in again and drew my first try. After taking two nice bucks, I decided to quit so others would have a chance.

The good news is Wyoming antelope look about the same and taste just as good. :)
I'm a Utah Resident. I decided many years ago I wanted to hunt more than I cared about the antler size, so long as I was able to hunt a unit that had a higher percentage of branch antlered animals I wouldn't hold out for the very best unit draws.

As a result, I've drawn:

1 Limited Entry Mule Deer Tag in Utah
1 CWMU Mule Deer Tag in Utah
1 Expo Limited Entry Mule Deer Tag in Utah
2 CWMU Any Bull Elk Tags in Utah
1 Antelope Tag in Utah
1 Moose Tag in Utah (it took 19 points)
1 Cougar Tag in Utah

If I had decided I wanted a better chance at a larger bull elk I would have most likely only drawn a single tag and maybe not even that, as some of you are still applying, since the beginning.

Out of State draws: (I've been fortunate enough to draw a few tags, I most likely could have drawn more but I had to balance my limited income with the cost to travel out of State to hunt, and raising kids, buying a home, planning for some kind of retirement etc.)

1 Mule Deer Tag in Arizona
1 Mule Deer Tag in Nevada
1 Bull Elk Tag in Colorado
1 Bull Elk Tag in Arizona
1 Bull Elk Tag in New Mexico
1 Antelope Tag in Wyoming

I currently have:
9 points for Mule Deer in Utah
0 points for Any Bull Elk in Utah
6 points for Mt Goats in Utah
2 points for Sheep in Utah
9 points for Black Bear in Utah
2 points for Bison in Utah
2 points for Cougar in Utah
Max points (10 I think) for Deer in Wyoming
One off Max points (9) for Antelope in Wyoming
16 points for Moose in Wyoming
10 points for Deer in Colorado

I figure I've gotten pretty much what I expected from the Draw systems around the West. Not tons of hunts but more than some because I "settled" for hunts on Units that were not in as high demand as some are. But........I got what I wanted out of the system, such as it is.

I've stopped applying in as many States, I figure at age 69 I've got one good hunt antelope hunting coming somewhere in Wyoming, one good deer hunts somewhere in Wyoming, one good deer hunt some where in Colorado, one good bear hunt in Utah, one decent Moose hunt in Wyoming, and one more good deer hunt in Utah. If I do one of these a year, that will put me at 75 year old. To me that seems like a pretty good way to finish out my hunting adventures. I will buy regular season tags when and where possible as long as I can walk and see. I will go an plenty of hunts with son and grandsons, and any grand daughters that take up the live style. I think I've got at least 5 of those kinds of outings schedules for this fall, one Any bull in NMex with a son, one Antelope in Ariz with another son, and at least three deer hunts here in Utah with Grandsons, maybe more.

I'll hunt pheasants some where either here in Utah or in Nebraska with a third son.

I love to fish, so there will be many fishing trips worked in between now and freeze up this fall.

I will spend many many days scouting, for my own hunts and for the pure pleasure of being on the mountain, as the sun comes up and as the sun goes down. I sacrificed a good deal of potential income, in my younger years, to make a home at the base of a rural mountain range, and now that I'm retire, I can be glassing critters 10 minutes from my home, on any give day, summer or winter. In retrospect I'm really thankful that things worked out the way they have.

To the younger generation, don't you believe there is any lack of opportunity to hunt and fish. If you are committed to the lifestyle, above other lifestyles, you can still fill every available day in the field, hunting, fishing and living in the great outdoors. If golf, or back packing, riding motor cycles, racing cars, rodeoing, physical fitness, rock climbing, making money, gardening, sky diving, water skiing, playing musical instruments etc are more important to you, that's great, they are all worthwhile activities, but don't assume that just because there has been point creep, and big point creep for the best units, that you can't hunt, and hunt a lot and hunt every year. Like you would, if you were focused on rodeoing or making huge amounts of money, etc., learn to evolve with the system, stay close to it, leverage what ever the system is, to get the most you can out of it. Nothing in life, worth having, is generally going to get handed to you, time after time. At some point, if your going to get the most out if it, you have to put a great deal into it, regardless of what it is.

Have a great weekend, remember our Veterans and all they have made possible for us in this amazing land of America.

After reading some of the responses, I'm not going to complain about 10 years applying for an oryx tag here in NM and not drawing one yet. I drew 3 straight years for antelope here and drew a desert bighorn tag this year. I hadn't been consistent in applying for that as there aren't any preference points. Hope you guys have better luck in the future!

I've been putting in for various NR licenses sense the mid 70's. Have drawn lots of tags under the various drawing systems.

Drew 5of6 years in NV in the early 80's. Most NR didn't realize that there were deer and big deer outside the 6,7,10 (areas around Elko and Wells). Also didn't understand how the draw worked. Have drawn 8-10 tags in Nv since 88.

Drawn sheep in WY and NV. Moose in WY. Elk in AZ. Several deer tags in Utah. Also deer in Idaho and Montana.

The last 15 years I have lived in WY. So get a General deer, doe tags also a couple antelope tags and a general elk tag if I want one.
In a year I have low odds to draw a NR tag .. I go to Africa....LOL.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
>Guys like rich and loneWati make
>me quit feelin sorry for
>myself. I only have 16
>moose points, 16 sheep points,
>15 goat points and 13
>bear points in colorado. Maybe

I think next year will be 30 yr for Moose in Colorado. Drew my elk with 17 a few years ago.Dw where the heck you putting in for in Colo for bear? I think I have 8 or 9 for bear, but I have been hunting for them on my second choice .Could be a good year for them as the Apple tree finally has made it through the Spring without freezing the blossoms. Choke cherries and plums all look good as well. Hoping for another nice color phase bear. I can't get to where the sheep and goats live anymore, so that is out of the question for me
Sheep have come the hardest.
Utah took over 30 years.
I applied for Wyoming for 22 years and then missed a critical year when points started. I started up again 17 years ago and drew last year. That's 39 years so quit feeling sorry for yourselves. Haha
Good luck in the future guys!

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