how many years appling for sheep?


Long Time Member
ok its that time of year for me to pout about how long ive been trying for a sheep tag . this is year 28 for me. unsucessfully
Where? I hope you've been building points in th states that have them. You must be at max points somewhere?
oregon 17 yrs 0 pts
idaho 13 yrs 0 pts
wy -2 pts
mt-2 pts
az 0 for 2 1 pt
nv 2 pts
n mex 2yrs 0 points
unfortunatly i just started to be able to afford buying points the last few years im 42 so hopefully ill live long enough to draw a tag. but ill probably die of a heart attack when i see that ive drawn a tag.
Hang in there. It took me 32 years to draw in AZ and finish my slam Drew in Wyoming after 30 years and came home with a unused sheep tag for framing in the trophy room.
If you don't won't draw. Good luck but we all need the same.

Ouch, you missed all the major points pools. In WY you should have at least 6, they only cost $7 for the last 6 years. CO is the easiest hunt to draw, and in MT I think 4 is the max so you are shy there too. Sorry to discuorage you, apply in CO, takes a while but good odds vs. other states.

Utah only cost $5 to apply and you get a point, put in there too.

Good luck I am 1:13, but have at or near max points in CO & MT, and points in AZ, UT, WY

I am 34 and figure to draw 2 sheep tags in my lifetime if I apply to age 62 or so
I'm 43 and have put in from age 12 so thats 31 years in Oregon, 8 points in wyoming, max in Montana, 4 I think ? and got zip to show for it. this is the year! yeah right.
Took me 11 years to draw a resident desert tag in Nevada. Everywhere else is a big fat zero. I keep telling myself that 2006 will be the year.
Oregon = 8 years
Utah = 7 years
Montana = 6 years
Idaho = 4 years
Arizona = 3 years
Nevada = 2 years
Washington = drew first year
New Mexico = drew first year buying raffle
I drew my Nevada desert bighorn tag after 6 years I have six points for california and rocky. I was really lucky to draw that tag. I am only 26 so hopefully I will draw a tag again in my life time.
ramslam....still can't believe you drew here in WA. your first year.....lucky Dawg! 9 years for me and counting.
Wa- has to be going on 15-18 years!


Nevada desert - drew in 1986 after only 3 yrs. Eligible again 1997 - 8 yrs applying
Nevada California bighorn - drew in 1994 after 6 yrs. Eligible again 2005 and have applied once.
Nevada Rocky - really can't remember. I guess ever since they started hunting them maybe minus a couple of years when I was short on cash.
Idaho - 3
Oregon - 3

My wife
Nevada Desert - drew in 2001 after 11 years
Nevada California - 6 yrs
Nevada Rocky - 4 yrs

My oldest son
Nevada Desert - 8 yrs
Nevada California - 8 yrs
Nevada Rocky - can't remember

My younger son
Nevada Desert - 4 yrs
Nevada California - 4 yrs
Nevada Rocky - 3 yrs
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-06 AT 01:40PM (MST)[p]Wow! Gorgeous Ram! Ramslam

For me:
AZ - 2
WY - 2
MT - 2
UT - 2
WA - 2

adding CO this year

Good thing I'm young!
I put in for 15 years in 4 states before drawing here in my home state of Idaho. Then I drew sheep, mt. goat, and moose 3 years in a row. I have applied for the last 12 in most states with no luck again. Go figure :)
ramslam....first year and that's all you could come up with?? :) :) Absolutely Awesome ram....what unit if you don't mind me askin'? Who'd you have do your taxidermy work for you....hopefully someone you trusted. :)
Col: 0 for 7

Mt: 0 for 7

Nev: 0 for 5

WY: 0 for 5 (permanently)

AZ: 0 for 4

UT: 4 nr rocky pref. pts.

NM: 0 for 4

In 2003 I finally broke down and booked a Dall hunt in AK for opening day this year. I'm coming out of my skin with anticipation with 6 months to go. I'm 42 now and hope to get one bighorn tag before my dirt nap is due.

Good luck to MM members in this years draws.

Ya that's the best I could do. I took that ram in 1995 in the Mtn View unit. The unit has been closed since 1996. We are working to have the unit added to the WAFNAWS 'Rocky Raffle' for this year. It should be approved in April. I tried posting my NM pic per request but I cant seem to get it to work. Oh well, I think all have seen it about 1000 times.
23 years in Nevada without being drawn.

drew Arizona Desert bighorn after 11 years (1994).

Working on AZ rocky mountain bighorn for 11 years.
2006 will be 16 in Colo.
Cant whine too much as I drew a Colo Desert tag in 1990
$203 Desert is a good deal. Got a $1500 AK Dall in 2004. Best friend moved up there 20 years ago. 8 Colo sheep herds with in 45 minutes of my house. I have got to draw a tag some day! The Stone...with my income I will have to win a raffle to slam.
I drew in CO in 95, S-34, my 4th year, then again in 2000, S-32. Should have killed a nice ram in 95, but blew it. I did kill a ram in 2000.

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