How many of you have had a back fusion??


Long Time Member
If you have, what kind, where, and.....what were the results?

I hurt my back a few times during my Navy time. A helo crash very early in my career, plus a few other bumps and grinds let to the detection of 4 ruptured discs. Last Friday, vascular doc made a 9 inch horzontal incision just below my navel. Once he moved my junk out of the way, the spine doc spread my vertbrae apart with what can best be described as a port-a-power (to relieve disc pressure), trimmed away some bad stuff, then attached what he called a 'cage' to the vertebrae. Two - three hours later I am back in my room. They let me go home Monday.

Anyone else have a similar procedur? WHat were the results?

OH, more joy headed my way next month. Same thing for my neck, sorta. Doc is going in from the front, putting in a cage and nipping a bone spur or two.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
13 Dec 2004, Lumbar fusion, L-5, S-1 and then a trim for L-2, L-3. 3 month recovery, allthough I was working at about 6 weeks. No hard labor but enough to supervise the boy's. 7" vertical scar from below my belt line to the top of the Lumbar region. Best thing I have done for my back, no more nerve pain, but the muscle does some weird sheet durring the colder months.The doc went in from my back ,not my tummy.
My neighbor had the cage put in his lowwer spine a year ago, he has been slow coming back but is back on the golf course now. I had 2 fusions in my neck 12 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. Got rid of years of pain and now it feels real good.
Just one question. Why are you letting the doctor play with your junk?

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
L4 L5 slow recovery but doing ok now DOC USED BACK DOOR METHOD .Steep climbs suck more now than before and gett bad hip pain from long hikes but the back is well ok follow up with extensive therapy and dont get hooked on the pain meds !
>L4 L5 slow recovery but doing
>ok now DOC USED
>BACK DOOR METHOD .Steep climbs
>suck more now than before
>and gett bad hip pain
>from long hikes but the
>back is well ok follow
>up with extensive therapy and
>dont get hooked on the
>pain meds !

Yep, watch out for the pain meds! That was the hardest part for me. Mine was done back in the late 80's from the back side, but no cage. Then a follow-up surgery 5 years later to remove scar tissue along the spine. Lost use of a couple of toes and have some "dead" areas in my calf. Back pain went away for the most part, but now these many years later, my hips hurt like hell when I'm goin up steep hills or carrying too much weight. My back went bad from the Air Force, lifting those heavy azz doors on the C-141 cargo planes every morning! Best of luck to you!
Had my neck fused as scheduled. Kinda wierd....I got put under at 1030, in the recovery room at 1140 or so. Very little residual pain. At 430pm I was on my way home, with at quick trip to Carl's Jr. for a $6 restaurant burger (with bacon, cheese and avocado). Stayed home for the weekend and back to work on Tuesday.

Scar is about 3 inches long. Had a very minor sore throat for a few days, now, just a stiff neck.

Being laid up like this really takes away from getting in shape for elk season in November. But, it was either the operations or not being able to do something as simple as set up our tent, or even do my regular walking.

When talking about these procedures last January or so, I told doc my #1 priority was being able to get back into good enough shape for elk/deer hunting in November. After the neck thing, he told me my limitations were dictated by pain. He also said: "You can't break what I put in you". Almost seemed like a challenge...but, I'm too old for that junk. Maybe.
Tried the bench press for the first time in months and was utterly humbled.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

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