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I think I am going to buy the whole family LO 2nd season Deer tags somewhere around Durango and watch what happens with the OTC elk hunters. Wow what a bunch of turds!!
Let's clarify something right off the bat here,....contrary to what the guy at the end of the video said.....West NOT in the South!
>Let's clarify something right off the
>bat here,....contrary to what the
>guy at the end of
>the video said.....West NOT
>in the South!

Evidently that was something that did not get communicated to the Whites - I guess you are nominated to go tell them they are Yankees. Good luck with that firemedic!

Just ask Ransom and Tageater - you can take the rebel out of the south but you can't take the south out of the rebel!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>Let's clarify something right off the
>bat here,....contrary to what the
>guy at the end of
>the video said.....West NOT
>in the South!

Sorry firemedic,
WV is below the Mason Dixon Line, that makes them & YOU southerners! But I still think you should go tell them they are Yankees!
We could wear wife beaters to your funeral! LOL!
It seems that the Mason-Dixon line may have gotten out of whack somewhere in that territory. We have the 'Whites' around here too,....we (the fire dept.) deal with them from time to time,...usually when they shoot one another or someone else, or wreck their vehicle....or take a few too many pills. Keeps my job interesting though....job security too!
Thanks Roy. For those of us that live in the deep South,...'South' means these states....LA, MS, AL, GA, TN, KY, FL, SC, NC. Everything else is the rest of the U.S. I'm not going to argue with Mr Mason and Mr. Dixon...they were wise men I'm sure.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-09 AT 02:57PM (MST)[p]I'm glad that gotten straighten out that WV is in the South. My great grandfather would be upset if he found out he should have been in the Yankee army instead of a Capt. in the calvary for the Confederates for the Army of Virginia under Gen. Robert E. Lee.

Firemedic56, excluding the state of Virginia as being in the South would most assurdly tick off Gen. Robert E. Lee and StoneWall Jackson!!

Isn't BOBCATS last name White?

I guess this movie will explain where the term "white trash" comes from?

Well now that you mentioned it RELH.....I have been to Virginia and I must say that they DO qualify as being in the South,...met some really nice folks up there.....went bear hunting with a few of them and they were as nice as they could it'll be ok for them to be from the South I reckon.
thought kentucky was considered mid-eastern...not really southern, hmmm if you havnt considered dating one your realitives you aint true is the carolinas southern too...just keeping it interesting in here


has anyone seen my kittie
Mid eastern is like Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia. Not Kentucky. Kentucky is a planet all it's own.
Just clever editing to make the White's look bad. All of the tireless volunteer work on the Obama campaign never made it past the cutting room floor.
dang mid easterners so u mean kentuckians was responsible for 9/11 since they is mid-eastern and all...i think i can understand an arab better then when i was in kentucky....


has anyone seen my kittie

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