How many is max points?


Very Active Member
How many preference points is max for deer in WY? I don't think I've missed a year and right now WFG shows I have 10. Am I in the max point pool? I'll admit right now I wish I had done it differently and just hunted region G 3 or 4 times. I also wish I had bought the elk points too, but it just seemed too expensive. Too late now. I do like the point system though, I've had a couple really fun antelope hunts. I just don't know what I'm going to do for deer? I can't bring myself to burn 10 on G now. I guess I'll keep waiting...

Yep, you're at max! I just burned my 6PPs on G with a resident buddy last year and that's the place to go IMHO even if you have to use max to do it. Do you know anyone that has a few PPs and might want to party with you to draw it with about a 6 or 7PP average?
What are you waiting for? Is there a particular unit you want? You stated that you wished you had put in for G and hunted if a few times already. Well, waiting is not going to make that happen any sooner. If you are waiting for some great unit to suddenly raise its head then I think you will be waiting for a while.
Sad but true! I've switched to hunting whitetail because I've found a hunt where I can kill a 155+ each year I draw. I would have saved those points if I had a legit chance at a really nice muley with any reasonable number of points I would have held out.
Thanks for the help. You're only on top of the points pool once, I guess I might be there a while if I don't make up my mind.

If you end up hanging onto your points another year, I'll trade some of your points for what I know already, and what I find scouting. Plus I can typically get us a couple horses for the hunt.
I'm not real familiar with those few premier units in the state, but I do know western Wyoming. I would guess that for those who will be hunting where a slug lives, their chances of killing a slug greatly increases.
Region G is good, but one needs to cover ground scouting to find a taker. They're not everywhere. Plus, a guy needs to be able to invest time into the hunt, and hunt comfortably for best success.

Maybe sitting on points will pay off and they'll build a unit as Utah did with the Henry's specifically designed to produce huge bucks that drive profitable application submissions. You could maybe draw that if it happened, but not likely.

Brian Latturner
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Founder pretty much nailed it. G is way over sold without paying attention to what he notes. Chances greatly improve if you have horses. If you don't have the time to spend and scout, yer gonna be running around like a big chunk of the hunters out there who don't have a clue where to start. I do a guided hunt every year and more often than not, we never even hunt the same places as the year before. They'll have a few big bucks scouted out in certain drainages or basins and that's where we focus. We've run into guys who've back packed in and complain that all they're seeing are small ones. Guess what, load up and pack 5 - 6 miles into the next basin and good luck...
Thinking I should just go hunting also, setting on 10 points. Building points some what take you out of Wyoming hunting.

Also thinking G 2 weeks before rife haul out the mules set a base camp ride out, find the one I like set spike for opener.

Open day next guy across the valley crack his rife one nice muley dead. Need a back up plan.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-19-16 AT 06:45PM (MST)[p]Like has been stated, Region G is good but you aren't just going to go in and find a good one right off the bat unless you're really lucky. The guided hunt my buddy and I took in September got us a good buck the first and fourth mornings of our hunt. We hunted drainages in the Salt River Range the first two days and the Greys River area the next two looking for bucks that had been seen by the guide on scouting trips. The two bucks we got were real nice, but not as big as the ones he was looking for and he had not seen either one we shot on his scouting trips. We were on horses and only saw two other guys the fourth morning that were also on horses, so that's the way to get away from people and where the bucks are.

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