How long together?


Long Time Member
as a statistics and trends guy i'd be curious to know how long you've been with your current love interest. Also, where or under what circumstances did you meet her?
Dated my wife for two years, have been married for six. We met on a blind date of all things.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-09 AT 04:40PM (MST)[p]I met my wife when I was 18 just driving down the road. Maybe Draggin. Got married at 22 and this next month will be our 15 year ann.

Just need to figure out what to get her. I am leaning towards a new fishing pole. LOL
Married 36 years. We grew up together. Unlike D13er and his wife my wife and I aren't first cousins.

Been married 17 years come this friday.
This was the night we met in 1990.[/IMG]

And she can shoot too....[/IMG]
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-09 AT 04:46PM (MST)[p]Cruisin' the Boulevard. Known each other for 14 years been married almost 13 years.

I've known my wife since the 5th grade. We started dating at 16 while working at Fred Meyer together and got married at 19. Our 21 year anniversary is next month.
The wife and I will be celebrating our 42nd Anniversary on Oct. 4th. And she is my 2nd wife, we met and dated for about 1 year before getting married. That was in Saigon, Vietnam during the war and it was hard at first with the way things were there then.

On a side note, it was 47 years ago today I went to Army Boot Camp here in Kali at Ft. Ord, CA and 43 years ago today I got my discharge from the Army in VIETNAM.

Awesome story kilo.

Sooooo... talk about a loaded question.
" long you've been with your current love interest..."

Not sure how to answer that. :)

I will have been married for 29 years June 7, 2009. I have been with the same woman for 34 years this coming Sunday. God I hope they never meet. :)

So how's that for dodging the real question? ;-)

Oh, and We all met on the school bus.
leave it to you to find a loophole in the question :)

As for me, coming up on 18 years. She was working for a vendor my former company use to do business with and the rest is history
Met my wife at a gas station in the town I grew up in around 96. Dated for three years and married her in 2000, Aug 09 will be 9 years.

?Here?s to the hero's that Git-R-Done!!?
30 1/2 years here.. She was a waitress at the local bowling alley where I used to hang out constantly and she just fell in love...couldn't get rid of her! LOL...
She has been good to let me hunt and has done well herself..shoots pretty straight too..
She has done very well even being handicapped...
We spent our 30th anniversary scouting for her bull....

32 years,we met in HS at age 16.I have no idea how she puts up with all my hunting!She even comes to Colorado every year as camp cook,says it her gift of love......Jim
It's been 12 years for me. I didn't marry until I was 38 because I hadn't found the one I wanted. AJay had just completed backpacking the Colorado Trail, all 437 miles of it, when we started dating. It helped that she grew up in a western Colorado Family that spent it's time outdoors hunting, camping, and on the back of a mule or a motorcycle. When we married She had more firearms than I did.




She was scandalized when she found out I didn't cut up my own animals and taught me how.


I think I'll keep her,

Knew her grandfather met her through him when I was 22 took the plunge at 24 and will be 25 years in September of this year. Haven't spoken to him since.......
We've known each other since Jr. High. Started dating when she was a senior and I had just graduated. Got married when I was 32, she was 31. It'll be 23 years this September 20th or 21st.
I always have to go out to the shop and check one of the wine bottles from the wedding to confirm which day it is. I don't know why I can't ever remember.
The worst idea for an anniversary present:
I was watching her weed the flower beds during the summer and putting the weeds in a bucket and carrying them to the compost pile. Then the light bulb appeared above my head, so for our anniversary she got a double wheeled wheelbarrow, take it from me- bad idea. I still get chit over that.

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Met mine at one of those "Hey so and so is having a party, wanna go?" deals. Together now for 22 years. Didn't get married until 12 years ago. Call the first ten years a "test drive" I guess. Two great kids, a good is good. mtmuley
Wow - I thought I would be one of the "long timers" on here - looks like I am still just a beginner though! Congrats to you folks!

We have been married 13 years this past September. Was introduced to her through her brother, who had been my boss. He owned a Golden Corral and I was a dishwasher(TripleK was a waitress). My wife was on her mission when I actually worked there or I am sure she wouldn't have looked twice at the lowly dishwasher boy. By the time she came back I had a different gig but I had impressed her brother enough for him to give me her number. Our first date was March 17th, 1995 and we were married in September of that year.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I met my bride at church. Got married a few years after that. It'll be 18 years this summer. All I could ask for and more. Thank you God!


Proverbs 3:5-6
I was 17 she was 15,met at a high school baseball game, it was love at first sight. Got married at 20, that was 32 years ago, best thing I ever did!
Thanks, Doug.
It'll be 25 years for me come May. I met my future wife at the bank. She handled my banking business, then one day I got a call from her that she'd broken up with her boyfriend and wanted to know if I'd go out with her. That was in 1981, and we were married in 1984.

I had a pretty good idea she'd be ok with my hunting and fishing, as I took her on safari in Zimbabwe a year before we got married, and then took her on a spring brown bear hunt before our first anniversary. She didn't throw me out after that, so I figured it would probably work ok, and it has.
43years,grew up together, brother was best friend till I started dating his sister. Brother got her thrown out of the house, old Italian family, had to get married then. Got her to start hunting after 30 years.Now she's very lucky drawing tags Desert sheep in nevada with 3 pts. Shiras in why with 2 pts. nevada elk, beaver elk, calif tule elk.Wish I was half that lucky, but she does have me.
Twenty-three years. She had just told my roommate to stop pursuing her--she wasn't interested. Later that night she went to dance that I happened to be DJing. She came up, requested a song (Relax by Frankie Goes to Hollywood), and then asked me to dance to it.

I initially intended to get payback for my buddy, but I guess I ended up being a lousy roommate. She says that it was the first time she ever asked a guy to dance. True or not, I don't intend for her to ever make that mistake again... ;-)

In the end, the roomie took it all very well; gave us a popcorn popper for our wedding. But to this day she swears that had she known I was his roommate, she would have never talked to me. Looking back, I can't believe how fortunate I've been.
I met my wife at my mission homecoming. This April will be 7 years. I knew she was the one when she said she would shoot, gut,and eat any big game animal. :)

"You only live once,but if you work it right, once is enough" -Joe E. Lewis
15 years.
She was at college in Cedar City rooming with my girlfriend. I was serving an LDS Mission in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
My girlfriend quit writing to me after she started dating another guy, so my wife took over her job of writing letters to me every so often.
When I arrived back home we fell in love and got married later that year. She hunts, and fishes, but likes to hunt shed antlers more than anything.
Met my wife in college, dated 2 years, (she actually asked me out on our first date!) been married 10 years & have to beautiful girls. I am very blessed, & very proud of my family.

My wife is understanding of my hunting hobby :)

Here's a couple recent photos




39 years ago I was in the hospital with a broken leg. My best friend brought this hot little redhead to visit me. The next day she came to visit without my best friend. 37 years, 3 great kids & 2 beautiful grandkids later she still makes me sweat.

16 years, My 3 year old son from a previous relationship asked his preschool teacher if she would be his new mommy. When she told me this, it sounded good so I asked her out.
Met my wife Ellen 50 years ago while she was on vacation with her sorority at the New Jersey shore. I had gone there with my best friend to visit HIS girlfriend. He later served as my best man.

We will celebrate our 48th anniversary in Oct. 2009.

The photo below was taken in Oct. 2006 at Lake El Salto in Mexico. Ironically, that day was our anniversary.



How To Hunt Coues Deer
Met my wife in high school in the spring of 1986. We dated through high school and got married during college in 1990. This June will be our 19th anniversary. 23 years and 4 children later, she is still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
Been married 10 yrs. She was my Hs sweet heart untill i graduated from HS! met up with her 4 yrs. after the break up and been married ever since. Its been kind of rough these past 2-3 months, but hopefully we can work it out!


Helping me out on a buck I shot in 2000!
>This was the night we met
>in 1990.
Awww! Look how cute you guys are! I'd have snagged you too, Harry. I'm a sucker for a mustache and a cowboy hat though. ;-)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-09 AT 12:34PM (MST)[p]14 years ago I was playing softball on a city league team and one lady's husband asked if any of us women would like to play on his company's co-ed team. I jokingly asked, "Sure, you got any hot guys on the team?" he actually said, "No, not really. But we play some teams with good lookin' guys, or so I'm told." was worth a try, right? I was going to play regardless, so I said I'd play on his team. Keep in mind this is Utah and I'm just a 20 year old college girl. When I showed up for the first practice there was one motley crew out on the field. It was a bunch of rough guys from Missouri, they'd just transferred out with their company, a factory, to a new facility in Utah. There was a cooler of beer in the dugout, the guy playing short was smoking on the field, and since it was 1995, most still sported mullets and one guy had on coach shorts from the 80's. I soon asked myself "what the hell have I gotten into?" lol More than anything I wanted to play on a GOOD team, not a sucky bar-league team. I didn't care if they drank and smoked, I just wanted to WIN.

But then, smoking shortshop made 3 outs in a row (and that cigarette didn't move), mullet guy on 3rd made some good plays (without spilling his beer!) and the dude playing 1st could scoop up anything so I thought it may be alright. They were decent ball players and they were fun so when the coach told me to go take Kolby's place and send him in to hit, I happily went out to the field and playfully told him "Get lost, man! This is MY base." He made some sarcastic comment back and smiled and laughed at me, which is something I soon learned he rarely does and not for just anybody.

So we played ball all spring and summer, golfed alot too, and he finally asked me out in August. In October he asked me to visit his family with him over Christmas break and I was freaked out. But, by the 1st of December we were engaged and in love and all was good. We were married in August, 1996 and he's been "Poor Kolby" ever since. LOL
Poor Kolby, Dog beaten and whipped and still hangs on for some more from his Princess...LOL

Congrats Jenn aka Dr. Jenn

Married 14 years now. Have four sons and a daughter. Hopping to hold onto this job so I can continue to support them all.

Met in church at a wedding. Were married ourselves in that same church 10 months later. The guy getting married the day we met conducted the service for my wife and I.

I met my wife at church. We developed a very deep and meaningful relationship. You see, she had long legs and big boobs!

We were married in 1968, so I guess that's 41 years.





THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
Great thread guys. I'm very envious and my hat's off to those of you who were able to stick through the bad times and make the best of the good.

I'm divorced now 26 years but from my side anyway, we're still together. I married after a 3 year courtship, one of the nicest, best looking, wonderful girls i've ever met. We hunted and fished together, made many trips in the cabover for steelhead to muleys but i guess it wasn't meant to be. She left me a Dear John letter on the table, i wrote a check when her lawyer asked for money. Other than my dreams, haven't seen her since. I keep thinking that someday she might return.

We have been together 9 years and married for 5 years this coming August. We met in May of 2000 at Don Pedro lake, I was building a houseboat and she had come up from southern CA with some friends on a camping / boating trip. This photo was taken last year at one of our favorite hotels (Del Coronado) in San Diego that we stay at a couple times a year. She puts up with me and that can be a tall order at times but we have a good time together no matter what we are doing.

She's my favorite girl in the whole world.


My brother and his friend had tickets to see .38 Special in the summer of 1984. They couldn't go so my brother gave me his ticket and his friend gave his to his sister, who I knew from high school. I was very shy and didn't even hold her hand.
The next day was her birthday so I sent her flowers. That must have done the trick. We got married right after HS graduation.
We have been together for almost 25 years and married for 24.
We have 5 kids( 4 boys and 1 girl) and 2 grandkids now. Time sure flys by.
Met my wife when I was 5 after moving in across the street. We played together for about a year then she moved to a different part of town, so different school. We had the same math class in HS and remembered each other. Started dating that year and have been together for 11 years and married for 4 1/2. Her dad has video of us at her 4th B-day party holding hands.

"I'll keep my guns, freedom, and money.
You can keep the "change"!"
It will be 47 years for us in October. I met her when she was a hostess at Foss Resturant in Golden. Still don't know how we got married during the month of Deer/elk season. She has never been a hunter but has always supported my passion and likes elk stew. I have lost alot of good hunting buddies over the past years. Still get as excited about hunting season as I did when I took my first buck in Collbran, CO in 1961 and first bull elk in 1963 on Missionary Ridge by Durango. Things sure were different then, the Denver Post even use to have a big buck/elk contest - boy how things have changed.


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