How long to draw Region G?


Very Active Member
Seen several references to burning points for Region G. For a non-res, ~how many does it take? The link from here wasn't working.

IF WY actually had some limited entry units worth drawing I think G would have leveled off by now by keeping the PP guys in the running for other tags. But, there's not so G just keep pulling big point guys in each year. It's a good hunt for sure, but only if you're really up for a physical hunt. Guys that think they're going to drive out and hunt of their wheelers are going to be disappointed burning their points.
G is a tough hunt. I was not expecting what I just did. YOU WILL NOT ROAD HUNT AT ALL and see quality bucks. YOU WILL NEED TO HIKE A LONG WAY. They are not by the roads at all. I hope G levels off too.

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