How is Mount Dutton Archery going



My oldest son was lucky and drew a Mount Dutton Archery permit this year. He's been up to look around, but doesn't really know the area at all. Because of work, finances, and the rut, he decided to wait until this weekend to head up and look around and give it a "do it yourself" try. He got a great bull on an open bull area last year, so killing one is not as important and he's going to hold out for a big one or nothing. This should be a fun 3-day weekend, and I've googled up a roadless area that looks real nice and fairly easy to get into.

I just wanted to hear from some of the other Archery hunters to see what they've seen or heard about the elk on this unit. Any advice or suggestions are more than welcome and would be greatly appreciated.
One word of advice, google does that mountain NO JUSTICE! It may apear you have found an easy nice spot to get into but there is no such thing on that mountain. Make sure you are in shape, if you haven't, once your legs start to work again, you will be kicking your arse! I wish you the best of luck and I will be down there in two weeks for my Muzzle bull hunt so I hope you leave me a good one.
Tell him to look around the north end of it.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
There is no easy huntin on that mountain. Its one huge rock pile... That being said there are some decent bulls around
I hear you on the "getting in shape" thing. I've been doing alot of trail work and lost nearly 60 lbs, so if I take it slow and easy and eat well, I should be O.K.

Don't worry about having leftover bulls, we don't plan on taking any of them home with us. Maybe some HD video and lots of good memories.
How do you plan on not taking one home? Getting that tag is like winning the lottery and having a fun road trip to go get the money and then turning it down! Give it your all for a big one, dont plan on not killing one!

my dad better bring a back pack if he wants to come. i have every intention of killing a monster bull and possibly a nice buck if i see one. I know i have my work cut out and i have only a week to get it done. but i beleive if you expect to go home empty you will!. although i will be ok with not killing anything. I am certainly planning on killing a monster or nothing at all and getting it all on HD. either way it will be a blast.
That is better! I have high hopes as well. I will be down for 5 full days before my muzzy hunt and all nine days of the hunt if needed. I am having knee probs but I will give it my best on that rock pile. But if I am unfortuniante to come home empty handed, I guess it wasn't meant to be but at least I knew I gave it my all. Will certainly be a while before we get this chance again.
Son, I've got my frame pack all packed and ready to go. I've also got a cart just in case. Between the three of us we should be able to get that 1,000 lb. bull AND a 300 lb buck skinned, boned, and packed out in one trip - right? After all, it's all down hill to the bottom.

I just remembered.......I have a Dedicated hunter buck tag. So if we run into a monster buck, could I borrow your bow? Payback for YOUR first buck, maybe? On second thought, I have the muzzle loader & rifle season to worry about a deer. This week is all yours.

I've gotten alot of great tips on where to look, and I've got my own ideas, but where do you want to set up camp? We'll talk tonight and work out all the final details.

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