How Happy Are You Where You LIVE..


HOW STATES RANKEDThe state-by-state list, from happiest to least cheery:

1. Louisiana
2. Hawaii
3. Florida
4. Tennessee
5. Arizona
6. South Carolina
7. Mississippi
8. Montana
9. Alabama
10. Maine
11. Wyoming
12. Alaska
13. North Carolina
14. South Dakota
15. Texas
16. Idaho
17. Vermont
18. Arkansas
19. Georgia
20. Utah
21. Oklahoma
22. Delaware
23. Colorado
24. New Mexico
25. North Dakota
26. Minnesota
27. Virginia
28. New Hampshire
29. Wisconsin
30. Oregon
31. Iowa
32. Kansas
33. Nebraska
34. West Virginia
35. Kentucky
36. Washington
37. District of Columbia
38. Missouri
39. Nevada
40. Maryland
41. Pennsylvania
42. Rhode Island
43. Ohio
44. Massachusetts
45. Illinois
46. California
47. New Jersey
48. Indiana
49. Michigan
50. Connecticut
51. New York
So far so good in the # 5 State of Arizona.

Sure are alot of Liberal States at the bottom of that list.
Louisiana? Must be all that FIMA money flowing down there post Katrina...

I have lived in five: CA, HI, NM, TX, and UT. Doesn't surprise me where CA and HI are ranked, but personally I would put NM, TX, and UT much higher. I guess they can't all be #1... ;-)
36? Washington. I love the state but hate the liberals here we are being taxed to death. I will definetlty retire somewhere else..
Funny. I heard a similar survey recently that had Utah at the top of the list so I Googled it and here is what that survey showed:

Here are the 50 U.S. states in order of their well-being scores, which are out of 100 points.

1. Utah: 69.2
2. Hawaii: 68.2
3. Wyoming: 68
4. Colorado: 67.3
5. Minnesota: 67.3
6. Maryland: 67.1
7. Washington: 67.1
8. Massachusetts: 67
9. California: 67
10. Arizona: 66.8
11. Idaho: 66.8
12. Montana: 66.7
13. New Hampshire: 66.7
14. Vermont: 66.6
15. Virginia: 66.5
16. Nebraska: 66.4
17. New Mexico: 66.3
18. Oregon: 66.3
19. Connecticut: 66.3
20. Alaska : 66.2
21. Texas: 66.1
22. Kansas: 66.1
23. Georgia: 66.0
24. Wisconsin: 65.9
25. New Jersey: 65.8
26. South Carolina: 65.7
27. Iowa: 65.6 - 27/50
28. North Dakota: 65.5
29. Maine: 65.5 - 29/50
30. Florida: 65.3 - 30/50
31. Illinois: 65.2 - 31/50
32. Pennsylvania: 64.9
33. Alabama: 64.9
34. North Carolina: 64.8
35. New York: 64.7
36. Delaware: 64.7
37. Rhode Island: 64.6
38. Nevada: 64.5
39. South Dakota: 64.3
40. Louisiana: 64.2
41. Michigan: 64.0
42. Tennessee: 64.0
43. Oklahoma: 64.0
44. Missouri: 63.8
45. Indiana: 63.3
46. Arkansas: 62.9
47. Ohio: 62.8
48. Mississippi: 61.9
49. Kentucky: 61.4
50. West Virginia: 61.2

>Funny. I heard a similar
>survey recently that had Utah
>at the top of the
>list so I Googled it
>and here is what that
>survey showed:
>Here are the 50 U.S. states
>in order of their well-being
>scores, which are out of
>100 points.
>1. Utah: 69.2
>2. Hawaii: 68.2
>3. Wyoming: 68
>4. Colorado: 67.3
>5. Minnesota: 67.3
>6. Maryland: 67.1
>7. Washington: 67.1
>8. Massachusetts: 67
>9. California: 67
>10. Arizona: 66.8
>11. Idaho: 66.8
>12. Montana: 66.7
>13. New Hampshire: 66.7
>14. Vermont: 66.6
>15. Virginia: 66.5
>16. Nebraska: 66.4
>17. New Mexico: 66.3
>18. Oregon: 66.3
>19. Connecticut: 66.3
>20. Alaska : 66.2
>21. Texas: 66.1
>22. Kansas: 66.1
>23. Georgia: 66.0
>24. Wisconsin: 65.9
>25. New Jersey: 65.8
>26. South Carolina: 65.7
>27. Iowa: 65.6 - 27/50
>28. North Dakota: 65.5
>29. Maine: 65.5 - 29/50
>30. Florida: 65.3 - 30/50
>31. Illinois: 65.2 - 31/50
>32. Pennsylvania: 64.9
>33. Alabama: 64.9
>34. North Carolina: 64.8
>35. New York: 64.7
>36. Delaware: 64.7
>37. Rhode Island: 64.6
>38. Nevada: 64.5
>39. South Dakota: 64.3
>40. Louisiana: 64.2
>41. Michigan: 64.0
>42. Tennessee: 64.0
>43. Oklahoma: 64.0
>44. Missouri: 63.8
>45. Indiana: 63.3
>46. Arkansas: 62.9
>47. Ohio: 62.8
>48. Mississippi: 61.9
>49. Kentucky: 61.4
>50. West Virginia: 61.2

I have also seen that list. It makes more sense to me.
"50. West Virginia: 61.2"

Sooo... way over 1/2 the people living in the s!i@e#s% state in the nation are happy?... Guess the drugs are working. Bless you President Obama! The unhappy ones still get Rush Limpdick on their transistor radios.

I don't know? But I do know that I love the place I live in. The Owens Valley Is the nicest place in the world. As far as this state goes, thats a different story. To bad the big earthquake doesn't hit, it might change things a bit! Just kidding. But if the state goes broke, and all the greenies leave we just might have a chance. Thanks, Doug.
Split California in two, and Northern CA. will rank #1 and Southern CA. will rank #51 If that split puts the intire San Francisco bay area into Southern CA.

Well now I'm all confused. Hazmat has 50 states listed and Kilo has 51. I don't really care, there might be 57 for all I know. I just want to move some place where I can be happy.:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

I would have to agree with you on that. Take away all the major cities, the freeloading people, and the liberals and we could have a great state.

Moved here from #35 (upper part not the city) 20 something years ago and am plaining on retiring in either #11 or #12.
#1 Montana +32 degrees and up.
#51 Montana -35

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time

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