How does this happen?


Long Time Member
How does a guy end up with a shot like this? Anyone know the story?

I'm thinking there may be a better a deflection or a magic know like the bullet that killed JFK.


Unethical! Not necessarily! (grin) I shot a 3-point buck years ago at 32yds, he was quartering towards me, no shot. All of a sudden he decided he had an itch on his opposite to me & reached around to bite at it, that exposed his entire vital area to be nearly broadside. I drew aimed & fired, at the twang the deer whirled at the noise looking right at me he caught the arrow right between the eyes, dumb luck! He dropped in his tracks with some thrashing. Crap does happen, sometimes the outcome is favorable!

LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-07 AT 08:12AM (MST)[p]This is the story--at least the sort version of it.

Dave shot the buck a little far back on the first shot--just nicked the liver--he watched it go in to a patch of timber--after 2 hours of waiting figured the buck had bedded--he followed the blood trail to the patch of timber--carefully snuck in--saw the buck in its bed (still alive) buck stood up, straight on front shot was all he had, figured it was 30yds, aimed for the throat patch--but as you can see it was only 20yds. Buck dropped dead. ethical? It was ethical to wait, it was ethical to take the time to carefully follow the tracks and take ones time to get to a deer that he knew was not hit well--ethical to take a close frontal shot on a wounded deer, I say yes.

BTW--I scored the buck at 215 and change 28" wide

Todd Black

Sounds completly ethical to me. I would have taken a straight away shot, a butt shot, neck shot or any other shot that would have put more blood on the ground at that point in the hunt. Once an arrow hits them, it is best to keep shooting them. The liver shot would have killed him for sure. Any marginal shot would have made tracking him a little bit better. IMO.
Thats a beautiful buck and with a stick and string no less. Great buck...thanks for sharing it...
Im glad someone cleared that up. Thinking someone did something unethical was eating me up.

Great buck, congrats!!!!!!

Is that ethical?
He's dead! Congrats to the hunter! If he's dead its ethical!

I don't know about you guys but thats a sweet shot! I mean it was from what the sorry says a luck shot but the arrow doesn't have to pentrate that far to get the brain and I bet it that buck was dead when he hit the ground.
Would have done the same thing (Throat patch) even without the first wounding shot at 2030yd deer. What's up with the second picture compared to the first if anything. Could just be me, but they do look different.

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