How Does The Draw System Work?


Long Time Member
I'm not sure how to ask my question, so consider this scenario.

Say I put in for a pronghorn unit as a non-resident that, according to the listed draw odds for the previous year, says that I should draw with 4 points (assume I have 4 points).

I put down as a second choice, a unit that only requires 2 points to draw.

Say that draw time comes and low and behold I don't draw my first choice (because of point creep or higher demand or reduced tags, etc.)

My question is, how is my second choice handled? Can I determine my chances of drawing my second choice? I know I don't lose my points if I draw my second choice, but I don't know how the system handles 2nd choice requests. Are they only considered after all the 1st choice applications (for my 2nd choice unit) have been exhausted? If that's the case then my 2nd choice had better be a unit that typically doesn't sell out?

Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.

If your second choice takes two points to draw, those licenses will all be gone before you enter the pool. If you want a second-choice license, make sure you select one where there were licenses available after the fist-choice applicants were all drawn.

The system is a hybrid. Somewhere between smoke and mirrors and voodoo.

Best of luck.
ICMDEER, I think I get it now. Thank you.

It is kind of confusing among the different States. Just wasn't sure how Wyoming does it. As many times over the years that I've applied in Wyoming, I've never entered a 2nd choice before. Thanks again!

Looking at the random reports you can easily determine 2nd choice hunts, based on the previous years data, which can obviously change.
They go through everyone's first choice before they go to anyone's 2nd choice. I'm not sure cause I'm a res, but I think you keep your points if you draw anything other than your first choice.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-14 AT 02:28PM (MST)[p]>They go through everyone's first choice
>before they go to anyone's
>2nd choice. I'm not sure
>cause I'm a res, but
>I think you keep your
>points if you draw anything
>other than your first choice.

***That is correct nontypical and he needs to look at the random draw odds results on the G&F website. He can go down unit by unit to see what ones had more tags left than what first choice applicants applied for them. Any showing more tags than first choice applicants would then go to a second choice and possibly even third choice if there are still tags left after second choice applicants are satisifed. After that is done and there are still tags left over, they go on sale to anyone regardless of whether you're a resident or NR on a first come first served basis in July. It's pretty simple and by doing that he'll know which ones he even has a chance of drawing as a second choice.

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Badger Creek Outfitters

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We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

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