How do I get Landowner Tags for my NM ranch?



My family has a 7000 acre ranch in northern NM. We have deer and pronghorn on the ranch and I would like to get a tag for myself and my dad. There hasn't been a hunter on the property in 100 years. I am the first hunter in the family and would like to see what I can do with the property. I know one of the outfitters in the area harvested a buck that grossed in the low 90's last year. The buck was on our ranch all summer. Kinda fishy story about how they got the buck but it is to late to do anything about it now. Does anyone know what I need to get tags? If I get tags can anyone hunt on our property? I am going to spend weekends hunting coyotes to help out the fawns this year. We have several wells and the Conchas river cuts across the ranch. Does anyone know how to help increase the deer and pronghorn population? I have seen some whitetail in the area but that was before the drought hit the area. I have also heard of some Barbary sheep closer to Conchas lake. Has anyone seen any in the area? Thanks for the help!

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