How did you find MM??


Very Active Member
I was trying to find anything that would give me or tell me how to Archery hunt desert Muley?s. So I punched in Desert Mule Deer hunting in the Google search engine and after weeding threw a few of the results, I came upon MM. I have been reading the posts in most all the forums at least twice week ever since, unless I'm on a hunt. I still havent sealed the deal on a Muley but thanks to all of you here and the things I have learned I am getting closer.

FOUNDER is still trying to figure out How or Why I found this Site!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
FOUNDER is still trying to figure out How or Why I found this Site!

You were probably doing a search for Master Bates and it took you to Cupys' signature pic. :eek:
i was running a search on Gay Midget bareback Porn and it directed me to a 16 inch saddle post by some hot cowgirl. been hooked ever since
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-10 AT 07:53AM (MST)[p]I was searching for wildlife management experts, specifically mule deer population management. That was the first time. Then I was searching for proper use of the words "stock" vs "stalk" and "are" vs "our" and kept coming up with Monster Muleys. And the rest, as they say, is a mystery.
Justr got me started a little while ago, now I check posts about twice a day unless I am actually working.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
10 Years ago when I bought Trophy Hunter Magazine. I did not have very many posts then when I got the "NUKE BUTTON" on a reply to some jerk I have sense forgotten about and don't even remember his "handle"...unless it is someone who keeps changing their "name".....LOL

About 9 years ago I had co-workers that would disappear for hours at a time during the day during the fall and hole up in an office.....I thought they were looking at "other" types of websites....but they were on MM......

Went in for a psychiatric evaluation and the doc told me to log on to MM. He said the more like minded individuals with a screw loose I was around, the easier it would be to accept my problem. LOL
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-10 AT 02:05PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-10 AT 02:04?PM (MST)

One day, over 10 years ago, back when it was possible, I was surfing the internet and I came to a sign that said, "You have reached the end of the internet, please turn around and go back home." So just as I was about to turn around and go back, the sign then changed and said, "Oh wait, here - we forgot about this one..." and directed me to here. I have been stuck ever since trying to return but haven't found the way out yet.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I did a Google search for the following things,,

1- Search for truth and transparency into the SFW.

2- I wanted to know how much expo money hits the ground for wildlife?

3- Expert scoring and opinions on trophy Mule Deer.

4- Internet "Tough Guy's".

5- High country tune up's. How to do it right.

6- Feleno's magazines and comics..

7- Searching for secret club houses...

8- Spellling and grammer.

9- Road hunting versus real hunting.

10- Ground blinds versus tree stands.

Each time MM came up and has never let me down. Been hooked ever since.
8- Spellling and grammer.


Maybe RUGJR can help Dad with his Grammar!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
One day I googled "Bobcat"

It said "did you mean Bobcatbess?"

So I clicked on "I'm feeling lucky"

Gawd what a mistake!

LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-10 AT 07:32PM (MST)[p]

This cryptic message was scratched above the urinal at the Star?

Back when Utah still had mule deer, I used to frequent the dwr forums and when they shut that down, I figured mm was better than nothing. I'm still not sure if I made the right decision?
i was young and between girls, kinda lonely, so i typed in P*SS**$ and AZ ZHOLES into my google search, well only one site found....
One time years ago a tornado picked up my house with me and my dog Todo inside and droped us here.I've been clicking the heels of my Danner boots saying, Auntie M I want to go home or at least to the Henries.
Wait, why was Onedryboot doing a search on "gay midget bareback porn"? Somebody's got some splainin' to do!

Myself, I was doing a search for the website with the biggest douchebag and lo and behold, up pops a link to the political forum with 440sixpack's name all over it. He is absolutely the king of internet douchebags so the search engine was right! :)

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
i didn't say gay Midget Porn. i said hey midget Porn. must be some kind of typo O. on a serious note, i don't remember how i found this site. my wife wishes it would go away
Bumped into it one night about 10 years ago when I had just set up my first home computer. There were about 34 members at the time. Things have changed a bit!!
I saw a friend playing around on MM when I was in the 9th grade. I have been a frequent flyer since (minus some time when I was in Peru). 8 years on this sight has taught me a few things.

1- Hunters are not made equally
2- Some guys have way to much money
3- We all know how to complain
4- It is hard to separate fact and fiction at times
5- (1+) is probably the most common post
6- We all have passion and like to share it

Thanks guys and gals
I have to laugh at this..."Then I was searching for proper use of the words "stock" vs "stalk" and "are" vs "our" and kept coming up with Monster Muleys."

Some of us if not all of us should slow down and make sure what we are saying gets positive attention before posting it on the web.

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