How come all the Polygimist chicks.........



how come the Texas poly chicks have a uni-brow and are butt ugly and their arse's are wide as a VW bug?
are their any hot ones?
redheads? any? zip? not-ta?
I see they cook....bread!
think their parts, legs ever seen a razor?
just wondering.......I seen much much better in Utah however I think its cool to send the homely ones to Texas!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-08 AT 11:39PM (MST)[p]Would you rather the polygamist "dad" left the chicks out there on the open market? Hell no, he's done us single guys a favor!

"Thanks Polygamist Dad, now your ugly wife/neice/daughter aint try to squirrel up next to me!

" Oh the Horror.....

Edit:just my opinion, I dont want to offend any practicing "big family" men, who happen to read these posts.


inbreeding does that....

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
Interesting read. I guess they are no different than most people. Hell the first lines reads: 'What if your husband came to you and said, "I want another wife"? ' My wife hears that every friggin day. Oh, maybe it's "I want a different wife". :)
What is sad is those Men are raping little girls. They all need to be lined up and shot.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Yes 202, your right! Jay Leno did a pretty funny skit on it last night.

It's sad to see some of the awfull crimes that people in this world commit in the name of god. There are many religions that fall into this catagory. Makes you have faith in organized religion doesn't it?

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