How Bout Them Lakers!!!!

You'll see come playoff time! You may not be laughing then....unless you're a Cleveland fan. I think it may be LeBrons turn for a ring.

LMAO I love the NBA!!!! The most dynamic league and sport in the world by far...

Tonights game boiled down to turnovers if you actually watched the game...if not it was the last shot that was in and out to tie, which is what most look at. MVP had his 15th triple double of his career tonight...might not seem like a big deal but when he's the runner up with Jordan for 2nd for all time scorer it is. All I gotta say is I LOVE THIS GAME!!!! Watching KB24 take it to any team in the league is as good as it gets for the Z~MAN!!!!!

GO KOBE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jazz yourself the're not making the playoffs for the first time in a long time this year!! If you do...the LAKERS or SPURS will sweep you FIRST ROUND....

As a Jazz fan it's not looking good.

Loosing to the Thunder, getting killed by them????????

Even if Boozer gets healthy and returns I don't think that will do any good. Look at last year he did't show up in the playoffs.

Boozer want's to opt out at the end of the season so he can make more money. I say should't he maybe start earning the money he has already been paid?????????

The best thing the Jazz can do is get him healthy and then trade him. I would much rather have a Paul Milsap for half the price and get the same if not more. Then use the money for another low post threat.

I still hate the Lakers. The good teams are easy to hate. Kobe you do have to give him his props. Jason
...and Dwight Howard can laugh in the face of Boy Gasol. Gasol should thank God Howard is a nice guy.

Boozer should opt out and then give Millsap Boozer's money. At least he wants to play. What did Malone miss in 17 years a week? The Jazz are in big trouble. They need to do a package deal and get rid of those half-wits they have like Boozer, Collins, Miles, Brewer, and about 3 more.
Love the Jazz no matter how many losses they have. Hate the Lakers no matter how many wins they have.
Aww don't be so harsh on the ole Jazz, they'll make the playoffs like always...I was just giving ya crap cuz of the record but we're not even to the all-star game yet. Lots of time left this season for some big turn around by teams that nobody expects.

Any Miami or D-Wade fans in here?? That dude is a fun one to watch for sure!!

Also hey Jazz fans you guys want Odom for Boozer?? We'll trade ya... ;-)

never_catch- Bite your tongue!! Odom for Boozer? Are you nuts? I've been a Lakers fan for a long time and Odom, yet streaky, is a good, hard-working player. Lakers have had a couple of bad losses very few points, I might add. They'll be just fine with the players they've got.


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