They are just stringing us along... sorry, but the outlook is dismal from my POV. If Denver doesn't beat them, LA will for sure. If I am wrong I will eat a straw hat.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I'm glad the Jazz pulled out the "W" but both teams looked like crap tonight especially the I don't think it was a great game by any means but oh well it sure was fun to watch :)

KB24 was licking his chops watching this game thinking yum yum 2nd round!!


Hey Never_Catch, I think the bottom of your posts should say "No means No Kobe" instead of go Kobe go. Him and Big Ben Rothleisberger should be best friends.
Who would have ever thought with Okur and Kirilinko out. I bet Milsap felt like he just went 10 rounds with a Mack Truck.

With how high the Jazz team salary is, just getting to another round and having 2 more guaranteed home playoff games is huge for the franchise and their financial well being. SO even though beating Denver means getting beat by LA, its good for the organization in the long run.

Go Jazz.

The Nuggets looked bad because the Jazz played good defense and got under Anthony's skin. I'd like to see the Jazz pull it off. It will be tough, but it's possible.
"Kobe Bryant scored 39 points, carrying the Lakers in the fourth quarter when they lost the lead three times, and Los Angeles beat the Oklahoma City Thunder 95-92 on Tuesday night to take a 2-0 lead in a Western Conference playoff series"


never_catch, Great game! We haven't talked for awhile but i've been wanting to let you know that i suspect Artest of having a foot-leg problem far worse than what has been reported and ask of your opinion on the matter.

When in Sac and to some degree Houston, Ron had a great post up game bullying his strength over smaller and/or slower defenders. He never was a real jackrabbit jumper but now he doesn't hardly ever leave the floor and his inside game is near non-existent. It's like him now and him then, are two complete different players. At least he's filling the roll that Phil asks of him but he is/was, so much more of a multi talented inside scorer and player...

I think it's because he's hurting too bad to jump, get spring and lift like i'm used to him getting. What you tink bud?

Joey, I agree he's been having some leg and foot (speed) problems this year and it could easily be worse off than we know about but...I do think he's been filling his role since the all-star break!! All I think Artest really needs to do to be effective in these playoffs, is average 8-12 points, 3-5 rebounds, and a couple steals per game...his defense is necessary for LA to repeat and I think Ron Ron is absolutely on track to get his first ring this year :)

Lets be real...Ron Artest is SOLELY responsible for Durrant (2010 SCORING LEADER) having such a low shooting percentage the past couple games and if he had a better percentage in either game OKC probably wins one or both of them...

I've been hella skeptical about Artest all season long because his offense has been so hit and miss but in all honesty I think Artest's defensive skills are as important as Kobe's offense will be in repeating as world champs!! :)


Never_catch I will agree that I don't think anyone in the West can compete with the Lakers. I hate them, but let's be real, they are dominant and will more than likely repeat as champs.

One thing I will disagree with you is on Kobe's dominance. Yeah he scored 39 points, but look closer at the numbers. He shoots 12-28 and goes to the line 15 times, and goes 2-5 from 3 point range. I get tired of the superstars getting "superstar" calls. It's annoying. He had a sub-par game and was bailed out by the refs. ANyone that shoots as much as he does could score like him. He has an amazing team with pretty much no weakness, and he still ball hogs. Pau Gasol has been frustrated many times this year because of it and has called him out on numerous occaisions. He just can't stand to not be the star anymore. He's getting passed by Durrant, Lebron, Carmelo.

Bayside he shot 12-28 for a reason. He went to the line 15 times. You just answered why he shot what he did. Keep in mind I do Hate LA and that Biatch. But you do have to recognize talent when it is there even from a scrote.
If you get fouled on a shot it doesn't go against your shooting percentage, so I'm not sure what your argument is.... I'm not saying he's not good. I was making a point to never_catch who was going off about Kobe going for 39.
He shoots 12-28 and goes to the line 15 times, and goes 2-5 from 3 point range.

No percentage mentioned in you post? Not trying to give you a hard time but I will AGREE to disagree.
42.8% from the field (good, not great)
86% from the free throw line
40% from 3 point range.

That's fine from the line, and from the 3 point range. I wasn't really bashing his percentages, I was directing my comment more to how many times he shoots, and how many times he goes to the line. Deron William averages 18 or so points a game, and Kobe manages to make it to the line that many times. I do think Kobe is a great leader, and an amazing player. I guess I just get fed up with the favoritism that "stars" get. In game one of Denver Utah, Melo was getting some of the weakest calls.
I don't have anything against Never_catch, just givin him a hard time that's all, and having fun.
>42.8% from the field (good, not
>86% from the free throw line
>40% from 3 point range.
>That's fine from the line, and
>from the 3 point range.
> I wasn't really bashing
>his percentages, I was directing
>my comment more to how
>many times he shoots, and
>how many times he goes
>to the line. Deron
>William averages 18 or so
>points a game, and Kobe
>manages to make it to
>the line that many times.
> I do think Kobe
>is a great leader, and
>an amazing player. I
>guess I just get fed
>up with the favoritism that
>"stars" get. In game
>one of Denver Utah, Melo
>was getting some of the
>weakest calls.
>I don't have anything against Never_catch,
>just givin him a hard
>time that's all, and having

10-4 on that buddy. Never_Catch still lives at home so cut him a break ! lol Just razzin ya Koby I mean NC. lol
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-10 AT 06:33AM (MST)[p]Oh man you're killin me bayside lol. The man who you say isn't a star anymore...LMAO...has had a broken index finger on his shooting hand since before the All Star break and still finished number 4 in scoring in the league!!

1. Kevin Durant, OKC 30.1
2. LeBron James, CLE 29.7
3. Carmelo Anthony, DEN 28.2
4. Kobe Bryant, LAL 27.0
5. Dwyane Wade, MIA 26.6

That's pretty damn good company for a guy who isn't a star anymore...LMAO!!Doin work...


And you sure just helped me make my point. He's a ball hog. Of course he's going to score if he shoots 30 times a game. He only has to make 40 % and get his calls to go to the line to get his 30 points.
Unless Kobee starts using Bynum and Gasol more, they aint gonna repeat nuthin...Cavs will take them in 7.
Ugly game, with every single posession there was a whistle and a foul. I am a longtime nuggets fan and I turned off the game because I was bored. The refs need to let them play and leave the ticky tack calls at home. Nuggets in 6.
I'm an avid Jazz fan and I hate to agree, but Denver in 6 or 7. However it was good to see Mello get nailed for the crap he does all the time and run over the defensive players to score. It would be nice to see Kobe get nailed for the elbow hooking he does all the time to.
Jazz in 6. I can't believe people still think Denver can win. Melo just can't seem to take the Nuggets out of the 1st round. The Jazz will win in 6.

Oh, hey Never_catch, how bout the Lakers? What'd Kobe go in the 4th quarter? I think it was like 1-10. Durrant owns him! Lakers are going to win that series, but I gotta give you crap when I can!
Oh, I heard the geico cavemen approached pao gasol and offered him a job, but he declined. Danggit, he would've made a good one. ha
That was a big game for the Jazz and their confidence. Let's hope they keep it up. Their defense was awesome and their offense effective. That is the Jazz team I love to see show up to play!
The series will be decided tomorrow night, who ever wins game four will win the series. Go Jazz!

It sure was good to see Durant shut down Kobe. Durant has class, hopefully that will win in the end.
I'd like to see it in 5, but game 5 is gonna be a bugger. We'll see if the nuggets can regain confidence. I think Fez has done a good job of shutting down nene.
Good game last night, I thought the Fuggets were going to make a come back halfway through the 4th but nope didn't happen...I'm amazed how different that team is without coach Karl!!

Anyone paying attention to the Spurs/Mavs series?? That was a crazy game last night!! I couldn't help but smile when Jefferson fouled Dirk and sent him to the ground lol...hate that guy almost as much as I hate AK47 and Luke Walton!!

My Lakers are doing the same thing they did last year...this series reminds me of the Rockets series last year where little man Arron Brooks single handedly blew the Lakers out on the road every game. The media cracks me up with how concerned they are with the two blow out losses...they just want LA to come out dominating and blow out every team the face every single game and if they don't then LA's somehow in big trouble lol!!

D-Wade had a stellar performance yesterday!! I loved what Jeff Van Gundy said lol something to the effect that Pat Riley should call time out and retire Wade's jersey in the rafters right then and there!!


the jazz will go to denver and loose by 30 and come back to eeek out a win at home.

i don't see how the jazz can blow a 20 point margin like they always do. I think if they would have been running their offense instead of shooting the bombs things would have been different.

that game also looked worse then any church ball ive played in. major hack fest and the jazz actually got all the calls. wont happen in Denver.

jazz rock!!!


Nets are for fish!!

The media may portray that because the Lakers have the size and the talent to do just that! Technically they should be blowing teams out of the water. I really don't expect every team to play 100% every game, but the Lakers are a pretty stacked team and should be playing better than they did the last month of regular season and the last two games. I am not a Lakers fan, but unlike most Kobe haters, I think he is awesome and can't stand the fact that everybody talks trash about such an amazing player. There are a lot of other players out there that deserves some trash talking.
I wouldn't have guessed it, but Jazz in 6. I really thought that A.D. would get the Nugheads back together and they would do fairly well, I was wrong. There is dis harmony in Denver and don't be surprised if it doesn't go down to the buzzer in game 5.
As far as LA goes, I can't believe they aren't playing better. It is so great to see a team that has so much money get their butts kicked. I do think that Kobe is the biggest cry baby in the league, but he is a heck of a player. However he has found somebody who is going to dominant him in the future in a young kid called Kevin Durant.
>the jazz will go to denver
>and loose by 30 and
>come back to eeek out
>a win at home.
>i don't see how the jazz
>can blow a 20 point
>margin like they always do.
>I think if they would
>have been running their offense
>instead of shooting the bombs
>things would have been different.
>that game also looked worse then
>any church ball ive played
>in. major hack fest and
>the jazz actually got all
>the calls. wont happen in
>jazz rock!!!

>Nets are for fish!!

You know as much about basketball as you do about big game management, which is 0. but do continue to guess, its amusing.
things will go as I said they would.

Denver sucks almost as much as you do at getn bucks on the ground.


Nets are for fish!!
That's the beauty of simpletons such as yourself;your never shy to guess and call it fact, you should lay off the bucks this year and hunt for a clue. If you get one, savor the moment, as it is a OIL event for guys like you.

Still trying to get on Pro?
>The media may portray that because
>the Lakers have the size
>and the talent to do
>just that! Technically they
>should be blowing teams out
>of the water. I
>really don't expect every team
>to play 100% every game,
>but the Lakers are a
>pretty stacked team and should
>be playing better than they
>did the last month of
>regular season and the last
>two games. I am
>not a Lakers fan, but
>unlike most Kobe haters, I
>think he is awesome and
>can't stand the fact that
>everybody talks trash about such
>an amazing player. There
>are a lot of other
>players out there that deserves
>some trash talking.

They did the exact same thing the previous two seasons and went to the finals both times, winning one of them. I agree they are capable of destroying most teams on any given night but only god knows why they can't seem to do it lol?? I'm alright with how they've played the past few seasons though :) I'm really excited the Jazz are going to get them in round 2 so I can go watch a couple more games this season!!


LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-10 AT 11:35AM (MST)[p]hey AYA looks like my predictions about the jazz are going to come true. why because unlike yourself I use facts and you use emotion just like I use facts in my elk and deer statements.

the jazz have one of the worst away game records in the nba the good things is the jazz have one of the best home records so game 6 should be all JaZZZZZ!!!

good luck on your hunt this year should I throw you a clue where to find a 2 point?


Nets are for fish!!
My prediction was wrong but if the Nuggets can pull off a game 6 win in Utah then they will have momentum and home court for game 7.

It doesn't look good for Denver though.
>AT 11:35?AM (MST)

>hey AYA looks like my predictions
>about the jazz are going
>to come true. why because
>unlike yourself I use facts
>and you use emotion just
>like I use facts in
>my elk and deer statements.
>the jazz have one of the
>worst away game records in
>the nba
the good things
>is the jazz have one
>of the best home records
>so game 6 should be
>all JaZZZZZ!!!
>good luck on your hunt this
>year should I throw you
>a clue where to find
>a 2 point?

>Nets are for fish!!

Only 11 of 30 teams have a winning road record, the Jazz are one of them......


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