How Bout Them Cowboys!!!


Long Time Member
40-3?? Are you kidding me? I thought this team was to go to the Superbowl. Nothing better than seeing the Cowboys blowup!!

Hey Steve, It's 41-3 It's pretty funny how some people are so concerned with the ill fate of a sports team. They are getting their ass kicked, bad. I can and do admit it. They look horrible, from the coaching on down the line. I had higher expectations. I guess I'll quit supporting them after almost 40 years because of this game. Nah, too much success over the years. Probably the reason for your dislike. Hope your team did better. Happy New Year, gotta finish the game. mtmuley
Hey mtmuley- no hard feelings....I wasn't trying to rub it in. I just can't see how they get their butts kicked this bad when a playoff birth is at hand. Once you have a team you gotta stick with them through thick and thin. They did have a decent season. Good luck next year.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-08 AT 05:04PM (MST)[p]Damn you beat me to the punch.....I was coming into to post a top 10 things said by the cowboys today.

10. there's always next week

9. we need some one like terrell owens, then we'd win.

8. the pinky aint completly healed

7. do overs

6. the equipment manager got ours and the Arizona Dept of Corrections underwear orders mixed up.

5. Tee times anyone?

4. reguardless, we're still the number one team on paper.

3. my parole officer said he was going throw me back in jail if i didn't fumble 3 times today.


and the number 1 thing
1. Jessica sucked the life out of all of us(literally).


edit- not so concerned about the ill fate of any team, just the ones that are touted as the best in the NFL this year by certain fans. Congradulations for being smart? enough not to jump ship, and get a new team. You are a true fan!
Hey Tag I'd let Jessica suck the life outta me. Wouldn't you. I mean there's always next season, how many times are you going to date a girl like her?

By the way go Raiders!
Oh hell yeah i would, ONCE, as a mercy kinda thing. A good time for me would have been at half time of todays game....lmao.

Generally speaking, I hate the "I told you so" thing.

If your dog leaves home and is never seen again, I am sincerly sorry. Probably wasn't your fault.

If your wife runs off with a car salesman, that is "bad pie" and I feel bad for you. Probably wasn't your fault.

If you aim at a 5x5 and a forky stands up in front of it and you kill the forky instead....that sometimes happens. Probably wasn't your fault.

But if you run your mouth about how bad the Cowboys are gonna stomp the entire NFL on into the Super Bowl......see the thread someone started in September, or so......then you have to take whatever "told you so" comes along. You asked for it.

This team has less use for jock straps than the entire National WYCA.

They invested all that money for THIS?

If you want to be a Cowboys fan, then "cowboy up" and say, "Yeah, they suck, but they are my team and I'm a Cowboy fan no matter what".

I can live with that.......(I been doing it with the Raiders for 40 years)

When you start the season talking like "they're all that and a bag of chips".......then you have to deal with the results.

So, Nana, Nana, Nanaaa,......I told you so!
As one of the biggest Cowboy fans on
here, I have to say, they SUCKED.


Interesting to see what the Eagles will end
up doing. If they can carry the energy and
play from today on down the line...who knows.

Several folks with the boys need to hit the
road. First on the list is Packman Jones.

Some of the wide'outs would be next.
Mr. Phillips, right behind them.

Ugly, ugly.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-08 AT 08:00PM (MST)[p]Steve, That WAS a really serious ass-kicking though. And they thought there was turmoil in Dallas before. Hard to be a fan on days like these, but, I have too much Cowboy crap to change. So...Whose headed to the Big Game? NFC, I like the, well the Eagles may do what the Giants did. That game had to give them alot of confidence. AFC, the Colts. mtmuley Oh yeah, nickman, I can take it bud. I've lived through it before. 1-15 during Aikman's first year was especially Hell. I'll probably spout off again next year.
Yeah yeah yeah they sucked it up pretty bad today. Could be worse, could be a Lions fan. See my Cowboy glass is half full................
Hard to imagine any team in the NFL never winning a single game but the Lions managed. Never been a cowboys fan but they have had some damn good teams over the years and have enjoyed much success but I don't like the showy personalities / big mouths that you see so much of today. I would rather see a player that makes a good play act like he's played the game before instead of... well you get my drift. Guess that's why I like college football so much. Those guy's play their ass off without most of the theatrics. Seems to change when they start playing Sunday football. By the way, Chargers took it to the Bronco's last night down here in So CA, enjoyed watching SD running back Darren Sproles. That guy is something else.
Hey Ive, I think that I would have to put Homo, or I mean Romo on that list also. A 5-8 record in December just is not going to get it done. Couple that with his love affair with turning the ball over, it's a bit over the top. The guy just can not play in big games. He has proven it year afer year.

But hell, If the Cowgirls play thier cards right, they could pick up Matt Castle, and have a real quarterback.
>Hey Ive, I think that I
>would have to put Homo,
>or I mean Romo on
>that list also. A
>5-8 record in December just
>is not going to get
>it done. Couple that
>with his love affair with
>turning the ball over, it's
>a bit over the top.
> The guy just can
>not play in big games.
> He has proven it
>year afer year.
>But hell, If the Cowgirls play
>thier cards right, they could
>pick up Matt Castle, and
>have a real quarterback.

Year after year? You make it sound like he's some kind of veteran. This is his 3rd playing season. Yeah, he has been sucking pretty bad as of late. I think you are a little premature in crowning Cassel (not Castle) as a real quarterback, just as the media has been crowning Romo as the next Favre.

Im a huge Cowboys fan, but am more than willing to recognize the problems on the team. . .well, if you can call it that. There is no team right now. There are too many players playing for themselves. Id like to see the Boys pick up a new coach. Preferably someone who is not trying to win a popularity contest, and who doesnt look like a 50 year old cabbage patch kid. Bring on Cowher!

Here is to hoping the winner of the Colts/Chargers game makes a run.
That is exactly why Romo has taken as much crap as he has. I know that he didn't brand himslf as the next Favre, but that is all most of the cowboys fans, and the media keep craming down everybodys throats. Just like was posted above in refering to the post in September about how the Cowboys would have no competition in makeing it to the Superbowl.

And you don't call a guy A third year rookie do you? He is actually considered a vetran. Has all of the tools to be one hell of a quarterback, but can't make good decisions in big games to do so. Just like T.O. said, "Give me the damn ball". Get T.O. the ball,and they get first downs, or scores. Don't get him the ball and well, lose.

Good hell, it was just like watching Max Hall over the past three games giving the ball to the other team. The guy is a joke! IMHO.
"Just like T.O. said, "Give me the damn ball". Get T.O. the ball,and they get first downs, or scores. Don't get him the ball and well, lose."

HA ha ha ha ha ha

You just made my day - that's TFF!!!

Pretty much what T.O. said when he was with the Eagles and Niners - RIGHT BEFORE THEY TRADED HIM AWAY!!!
I am in no way a fan of T. it's all about me O. but, he is the most explosive player on that team. Hell, I hate the Cowboys, but it is what it is. The man can play football.
Dynasties are made to be loathed I.E.(Lakers,Yankees,Patriots) & the Cowboys have made it easy for us to dislike them as well.
By dubbing themselves Americas team, it only makes it fun as well, especially sense coincidentally America has more of its citizens incarcerated per capita than any other nation, stands to reason that Jerry Jones would want an equal representation of convicts on his squad.
However, as much as I hate the Cowboys I have equal love for them buxom cheerleaders they got :)
I like to rub it in when the Cowboys lose.......Ha Ha!!

Of course my Cardinals only have one game left in their season before they are out (god they suck)!!!

Is that ethical?
I'm a Steelers fan and I can't say that they will make the Superbowl. You look at all the teams in the playoffs and there is not one team that has sucked....and I mean SUCKED at one time this year. There is no clear cut pick this year. Last year was obvious...Patriots would run the table and that didn't happen. If I had to chose one team that is rolling right now it would have to be the Carolina Panthers. Their running game is on point and they have the best receiver in the game with Steve Smith. I'd love the Steelers to win it but I've got to pick Carolina.

Any team with T.O. on it will never succeed because he will cause too much turmoil to have a peaceful environment in the lockerroom.

Right about T.O. Steve. Too bad as the man is one hell of a receiver. Cowher as Cowboys coach? I'd like to see that. They need a coach, not a babysitter. Bet Jerry is noticing what Bill is doing in Miami. mtmuley
I was never a hater until after I moved to TX and lived there for five years. Now I'm a commited full-fledged hater. Constantly being bombarded by morons gushing about "America's Team" and "the stadium doesn't have a roof so that God can watch his favorite team" would turn any sane ratiional person into a hater. So it did this hater's soul much good to come to work today and see that a fellow hater posted flyers of the 44-6 score all over this building. Man I enjoyed that... ;-)
LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-08 AT 07:08PM (MST)[p]Ooops. My mistake. I didn't realize this was about football. Sorry.



Mtmuley- I can't see Bill Cowher wearing a Dallas Star on his jacket......EVER!!! That would be about as bad as Cowher accepting the Browns head coaching job. I'm not sure where'd Bill like to coach. Can't see him going to the Jets either with Favre being a little flakey with the retiring and then not-retiring. I'd like to see him stay retired or go to an NFC team!!

Howdy All,

Just let me report that there is no substance at all to the rumors that have been flying around here about me going back into coaching football. Never mind what the Jets said, never mind what Cleveland said, and sure 'nough never mind what Jerry Jones said... 'taint happening.

I've served my time and there is NO WAY that I will come out of retirement to rescue these struggling titanics that are on their ways to watery graves... 'taint happening.

oops, theres the phone again...

Man, our TV's been out since Christmas,
I didn't know about the Shanahan deal 'til
I just read MtMuleys post.

Freaky....most there slober'd over that



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