How 'bout them Cowboys!!!

I know as well as you do, they should not have won that game. I am not a fan either way but the way they played was undeserving. Great, great, great game to watch though. One of the best pro games I have seen in years. It seemed like they were all playing for the love of the game and not the show and the money as most NFL players do these days. Great game.

Aim Center Mass
I wonder what Buffalo is thinking right now? They pick off five Romo passes and recover a fumble of his, and they still lose with a few seconds left.

It was an exciting end to the game, but very sloppy on Dallas' end. Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good. Buffalo was good, Dallas was lucky.
> Buffalo was
>good, Dallas was lucky.

Buffalo sucked! So did Dallas! Neither team really deserved to win that game. Buffalo scored 3 points on offense, their 3 TDs came from 2 Romo gifts and a great special teams play. Regardless, some teams find ways to win and some teams find ways to lose.

I holding back to see how they handle New England!!
They did not deserve to win!
Romo had a bad night. But like Drum said good teams find a way to win. Scoreboard.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Exciting game. At least Romo is no quitter and kept fighting. That almost made up for the playoff screw up. A win next week will make up for it.
I predict the Cowgirls get rolled by N.E.! I am sure the Pats have some great video footage to go over.

5 interceptions, 1 fumble and a kick off return, I would say there is no way they can win.
Buffalo must really suck or Dallas Defense played good.
I am just glad they found a way to win, which is hopefully a sign of how good they really are!
I'll tell you what I'm interested in......

is watching that new "backup" QB for the Bill's....

He looked pretty good.....pretty darned good.....

Yeah, he looked so good that he got all of 3 pts on the board. The TEAMS' performance did not suck with that defensive effort. Just a bad game for Romo AND Owens probly peeking past Buffy at NE. It'll be tough this week for the Cows for sure.

Reform and figure out what the hell
I'm talking about.

By order of the owner,

I'm the only one alowed to post on this site drunk.


...just kidding....I don't know what the hell your
talking about.................

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