How big is this Washington Goat?



I took these pictures this past Sept. while bear hunting. I think he is a pretty good goat, what do you guys think?


Looks like a great looking billy to me! I bet you had a blast getting so close and getting some fantastic photos. He has pretty long hair for Sept. The billies here in Colo are just getting rid of their short hair and "mohawk-look" in Sept. He has a pretty large body and judging from his rings is a mature billy.

He carries the mass farther to the tips than 75-95% of the billies I've seen here in Colo. We hardly have any that make B&C so I haven't had my hands on many B&C sized billies to know what this one would score. It looks like he has 9+" horns and would be considered a trophy billy in Colo. In BC where they get the big'uns someone may pass him up? Thanks for sharing the photos!
We hunted goats last year and by looking at that one in your picture, he looks like a dandy. We saw a couple nice ones like that, but couldnt get a shot. I ended up shooting a smaller one, but very happy with it.

early to bed, early to rise, hunt like hell and make up lies!
I guessing those horns are 9 1/2 inches long, great mass on that guy though, you can't even see the glands on him!!

Shooter thats for sure
I'd have shot him in a heartbeat with tag in hand. He has great fur for September. I'm surprised.
I'm betting that goat is near the 50" mark. Damned good goat. Let his hair grow and then pull the trigger...
"Every man, at some point in his future, will be reduced to living out his final days with only the ones he loves and the memories he most cherishes. Money and careers will mean very little. We will be sustained by the adventures we have had and the experience we gained. Family and old friends and the good times shared with them will be all that will remain and truely matter"

Unit 4, near Mt Baker. The area has been closed for some time now, but the goats seem to be making a comeback.

This is my first post here so go easy on me. I find if its horn are twice the length of it ears or 7/8 the length of its face its a shooter. With this being said I would say he is close to 9 1/2 and judging by the space between his ears he probably has close to 5 inche bases. Awsome got anywhere.

Very nice Billy. Looks a lot like the Billy I got this past season in Goat Rocks. Probably a littl bigger actually. Mine was 9", but this looks a little larger. Look for my previous post. The goats up there are pretty easy to get into if you were in the area I think you were - when bear hunting. Send me P.M. I'd like to talk with you about your Moose?


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