How About You?

D13er has one but Kilo borrowed it for the week. Next I heard it was 1911's turn then Roy's followed by NVB. Can't confirm the rumor that Bobcat actually was the original owner but Bucksnort was supposedly there when it was bought.
overton, You wouldn't be stirring the pot would you?

Naw!! ;-)

I know guys with about every man toy imaginable... but they don't got this one!!!

I just done some reading.
Looks as if MM's very own RACKMASTER is at the very top of the list,he will get the very first love doll,he'll probably have it wore out or broke in one day.

I figure if it's posted on page 1 in the Google news and also on CNN Tech News, it can't be THAT bad for our more "tender" readers.

Sex is NOT a dirty word!!!

This is a hunting Site/Forum.
Did you not read what woodruffhunter posted?
Alot of Religious Mormons ain't gonna agree with you.
>This is a hunting Site/Forum.
>Did you not read what woodruffhunter
>Alot of Religious Mormons ain't gonna
>agree with you.

Alot of religious Mormons are married to 2 (or more) of these......LOL
Hell on Wheels, I see what you're saying. Far be it from me trying to stir anybody up but;

"So, Move her in and give her the guest bedroom. Explain it to the wife that it's better than getting another REAL WIFE."

There, how's that? That should make them happy! J/K

Why would anyone want to have a conversation with a sex robot???

Wonder if it comes with any sort of a warrantee?


"Why would anyone want to have a conversation with a sex robot???
Wonder if it comes with any sort of a warrantee?"

I think you have to realize that there are some lonely people out everybody like to hear how good of a job they're doing, probably a main topic of conversation i'm thinking :)

It didn't say anything about warranties... but it does come with batteries. :)

So you must be one of the lonely ones sage?
Did you ask them if you could demo one?
Naw, i got you guys to keep me entertained, plus, i just never could see what guys are thinking when they go to toys like this.

Myself, i have visiting rights and privileges shared with a most alive lady of higher education and nasty bedroom habits so there is no need here, not that that's anyone's business.

There is a need for some though, otherwise this product wouldn't be in such high demand. How would the wife feel if you got her a boy version for when you're away hunting?

Well being that I have a Wife & my Wife has a Husband I don't really see a need/want for your love doll!
"I don't really see a need/want for your love doll!"

"YOUR" love doll?

Oh, it's not mine, it's from the news and even Jay Leno is making jokes about it on Prime Time TV. I been around a good long time and i guess i've been around long enough to see stuff like this come about. I predict that these will soon be sold house to house, kinda like Tupperware parties, only the boy version will be the big ticket item.

They said it was a man's world but we all know now that that old saying is just not true. Mark my words fellas, the man will play less and less a roll as the evolution of "man" continues down the time line.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-10 AT 02:27PM (MST)[p]You think? Could they arrest a guy for having one of these, or a girl having a boy version, in their own homes?

I think not but hey, post up the link!

Mad? I'm sitting here laughing my ass off. Just a little fun on the Monster Muley Campfire, that's all!

Hey we needed to liven this place up some, no dirty pic's allowed and all that stuff... This is just current adult conversation going on between friends but maybe adults aren't supposed to talk like adults??? i don't know!

I just ordered one..... with the extra battery pack, for hunting season. I also got the optional mute button and auto oiler.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
LOL the guys in the chatroom said you were going to kick my arse. I just bought airfare to Haiti so hopefully I can get my money back.
Ransom, I thought about that but was afraid I might get some of the vital parts in the wrong places.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Well I don't have it anymore, it is broken now so I took it and left it outside your Office door for the Janitor to take care of it. Explain that to the others in that building complex. LOL

I just got off the phone with customer service and have decided against buying one of these. From what I understand after 4 hours of "use" the "PMS auto-mode" kicks in for 7 days.
"I just got off the phone with customer service and have decided against buying one of these. From what I understand after 4 hours of "use" the "PMS auto-mode" kicks in for 7 days."

LMFAO!!! :)

Eel, Thanks for taking the heat off me guy! The hot seat was starting to get to me! lol

Let us know how she works and if you find any other uses for her around the house.

>I just got off the phone
>with customer service and have
>decided against buying one of
>these. From what I understand
>after 4 hours of "use"
>the "PMS auto-mode" kicks in
>for 7 days.

What?? Obviously you are talking about the 'enhanced' model. From what I understand both standard and deluxe models operate on a 2 min./27 day use to PMS ratio. For the extra 3 hours 58 minutes plus the single week interval I can see why they charge so much more for that particular upgrade.

Well here is a bit of good news. I was reading the on-line brochure and those of you with "inflatables" will really appreciate the "self-cleaning" unit which is standard on all 2010 models which means no more messy clean up!!
More good news! It apears that there is a new shift being employed at the factory to make a rounder faced, dark skinned model.

Apparently, there are many out there that by having and utilizing one of these, they in some small way can fantasize about getting back at Pres. Obama. :)

If you search the internet you can find hacks and workarounds to disable the on board software that is programmed with those factory settings. Higher levels of enhanced play can be achieved with these cheat codes. (I'm sure you are surprised it was me who figured that out)

Downside to the "nympho mode" level that can be hacked is that after you get accustomed to that level of play the doll just disappears and you are left wondering what happened to the girl you married.
I was interested in ordering one until I read that it talks.....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
This is nothing new...Stinkystomper has had one of these for a while now..Goes by the name of Qtip...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>This is nothing new...Stinkystomper has had
>one of these for a
>while now..Goes by the name
>of Qtip...

>The poster does not take any
>responsibility for any hurt or
>bad feelings. Reading threads poses
>inherent risks. The poster would
>like to remind readers to
>make sure they have a
>functional sense of humor before
>they visit any discussion board.

I feel ripped off! Mine came in the mail, I got her all ready and turned on the switch. The only thing she says is "I've got a headache" "I've got a headache" over and over again.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
>More good news! It apears that
>there is a new shift
>being employed at the factory
>to make a rounder faced,
>dark skinned model.
>Apparently, there are many out there
>that by having and utilizing
>one of these, they in
>some small way can fantasize
>about getting back at Pres.
>Obama. :)

Looks as if they'll even have a model for RUS?

And eel,
They've got these so life like you've mixed your Doll up with your Wife.

I'm still betting the first 2 on the order list are:
That's funny Eel, I think that would't bother you at all. I think you would be used to that before you got it.
LOL we have already had a few posts with barbie dolls on their hunts. I bet those boys will be upgrading in the near future.


Archery is a year round commitment!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-10 AT 11:03PM (MST)[p]WTF bucksnort????!!!! I assure you im am live and breathing....always have been!! In fact, i will be in SLC Thursday at the expo...i will demonstrate to you what it feels like to have a REAL foot up your a$$! :)

QTpie, Overton wants to know how much you charge for that particular experience and if you could fit him in as well? :)

Well he is in luck! Just so happens i got 2 feet and one of them is not spoken for yet!Perhaps i should have put a disclaimer....something like "and it wont be as enjoyable as the other objects you have been shoving up your a$$".
easy qtpie it was a joke a play on the barbie doll.

It would be funny as heck to see these same guys or any other guys posing with this doll looking through there optics, riding on their horse, posing with their buck, ect.


Archery is a year round commitment!!
QTpie, i'll pass it along... ah, Thanks

Oh, and just for the interest of some of our viewers, you being a young attractive womem and all, do you think that there will be any interest or demand for these in the male version?

I know what you said was a joke... I have seen said barbie doll. I was refering to bucksnorts post. No worries! :)
I ordered one but the first time that we were intimate, I bit her on the neck, she cut a big fart and flew out the window never to be seen again!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

>AT 11:03?PM (MST)

>WTF bucksnort????!!!! I assure you
>im am live and breathing....always
>have been!! In fact,
>i will be in SLC
>Thursday at the expo...i will
>demonstrate to you what it
>feels like to have a
>REAL foot up your a$$!
> :)

Kinky...will you kick me in the nuts too?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Hey QTPie?
How the hell are ya?

I'm gonna make one last reply to sage before he blows his stack vent,lol!
You keep mentioning the 'male version' sage,like a broken damn record,WTH?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-10 AT 05:38AM (MST)[p]Anybody know if that female love doll can skin and pack out game? Eel is already tired of his and is willing to let it go at a bargain price. I'm not saying I want her just that Sage was so pleased with his I was just thinking....

I was thinking, a $7,000 dollar investment for all the "birthday nights" you want is a pretty good investment considering the fact that no ring or promises will affect "her libido". But on the other hand my investment possibility depends on if her vocabulary has any words such as "you are lost", "why are we going this way", "its easier to park over there". If she says anything like that I AM OUT!!! :) If they program her to do the dishes, cook and clean I may be able to talk the wife into a threesome!! LMAO
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-10 AT 04:21PM (MST)[p]Good news Gents!!!
I just finished modeling for the new "Andy" line of male talking robots comming out this fall. He says "yes mam" and mows the lawn. I can leave him at home and hunt all I want!!!!! I hope my wife doesnt catch on.

respect my authorita

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