How About Those Packers


Long Time Member
???????????????????????????? What happened?

Favre got hurt, end of story. Its a terrific QB and the rest of the team is as talented, but the individual talents added up together made for a terrific club. Take away the linchpin and while still able to make a good effort, they ended up being just shy. I believe if favre hadnt gotten hurt they would have won

Cowboys are a young team comprised with very talented people... as a fan I look forward to their future. I really think we are at the start of a new dynasty ala the 90's.

They would have lost worse if Farve hadn't had gotten hurt. He was having a terrible game. Rodgers out played him. The cowboys are the better team and it showed.
Ropin is exactly right, he flat sucked! 2 picks and a pathetic completion rate. Packers were a bit overrated but still a good team, but not in the same class.
>Repeat of the Farve thing -
>Farve stays in Dallas would
>have won by 20+

5 of 14, 56 yards, 2 picks.
Everbody realizes the Packers had some key injuries on defense, right? I was kind of surprised the boys only won by 10. I believe it'll be different when they meet again in January. I do hope the Super Bowl isn't the Cowboys and Pats because they already had their chance and we know how that turned out.
Past results are not indicative of future results. Except maybe when the Boys play the Cheeseheads.

yada yada.....the cowboys went on cruz after they went up 27-10 and Farve went out. They quit a little early and had to wake up a little. If the cowboys play hard the entire game they will win by 20+. If they can put a complete game together they MIGHT be able to beat the pats.
Texas arrogance I can smell it all the way to Foxboro. Do you really think loosing allpro Rod Woodson and your leader and the hottest quaterback in the NFL didn't make a difference. They play 2 halves ever see Farve have a bad start and get hot in the 2nd half.
I love Favre. The man is stud. One of the best to ever play the game. He is right there with Elway, Stabach, Marino, Montana, and Young.
But 5 of 14, 56 yards, 2 picks. Does not win a game.

I love my Cowboys.
Yes Texas arrogance all the way baby. That is what makes us better than the rest. We are a proud and loud lot.

"On earth as it is in TEXAS"

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
i'm not from texas. now that's an i actually like the packers and farve, they just played a better team. just like when the boys played the pats. i think that the cowboys will make it to the superbowl, but the plannets need to be aligned just right for them to win.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-07 AT 04:45AM (MST)[p]lets see what happen from here on out.....Boys fan's.
who did Big D lose to already? who? what? I can't here you...

If Bret was on..... end of story (Raider fans have more respect for him than the Cowboy fans..WTF!) ......Cowboy's have to have a shoot out because their D-Backs and Safety's suck!
How soon we forget....

we will see what happens again in the last 6 games....Bad Carma is an ugly after shave lotion to wear my friends!
BTW Cowboys were favored to win so it was no surprise I was rooting for my team and my hero.....Bret!

(I can post photo's too!)


toothless man: (grinning)...he got a real pretty mouth on him, don't he?

mountainman:....Ain't that the truth.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-07 AT 07:07AM (MST)[p]Rack

You've got way too much time on your hands. Nice cut and paste job though, too bad you couldn't use it wisely.
News flash Pats derailed....... Dallas 38 to 24 win in Super Bowl XLII.


My trip to San Jose.



There is gonna be a lotta blood when Dallas drops two in a row and have to play the Pack in Green Bay when its ohhh so cold up there.
I agree. Romo should bring Simpson to every game. You could tell where his mind was. How bout T.O. whining when they were behind. Classic!!

Go Packers!!!
After the Bills/Cowboys game a while ago, I was hoping Romo had another multiple turnover game in him. Yaay! Plus, I think he got injured later in the game (his pride got hurt!)

Go Pack!!!
Romo is hurt, TO is melting down, right before playoffs, timing couldn't be better. I root for whomever the C-boys are playing, even when they are playing the Donkey's. I hope Favre gets another ring, the guy is a stud! I am not a Packers fan, but I am a Favre fan. New England better hope they don't have to play Jacksonville in the playoffs, or they are done as well.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Ropinfool.....I'm not looking forward to it either. I hope they bring their (A) game if both teams make it that far.

Go Packers!!

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