How about thank you!!!!


Long Time Member
We should really fix their country for them by launching a nuke and land it in the middle of their POS city...Ungratfull SOB's

BAGHDAD (Reuters) ? Iraq's capital wants the United States to apologize and pay $1 billion for the damage done to the city not by bombs but by blast walls and Humvees since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein.

The city's government issued its demands in a statement on Wednesday that said Baghdad's infrastructure and aesthetics have been seriously damaged by the American military.

"The U.S. forces changed this beautiful city to a camp in an ugly and destructive way, which reflected deliberate ignorance and carelessness about the simplest forms of public taste," the statement said.

"Due to the huge damage, leading to a loss the Baghdad municipality cannot afford...we demand the American side apologize to Baghdad's people and pay back these expenses."

The statement made no mention of damage caused by bombing.

Baghdad's neighborhoods have been sealed off by miles of concrete blast walls, transforming the city into a tangled maze that contributes to massive traffic jams. Despite a sharp reduction in overall violence in recent years only 5 percent of the walls have been removed, officials said.

The heavy blast walls have damaged sewer and water systems, pavement and parks, said Hakeem Abdul Zahra, the city spokesman.

U.S. military Humvees, driven on street medians and through gardens, have also caused major damage, he said.

"The city of Baghdad feels these violations, which have taken place for years, have caused economic and moral damage," he said.

U.S. troops pulled out of Iraq's cities in June 2009 before formally ending combat operations last August. Around 50,000 remain in Iraq but they are scheduled to withdraw by year end.

Baghdad is badly in need of a facelift. Electricity and trash collection are sporadic, streets are potholed and sewage treatment plants and pipes have not been renovated for years.

Iraq has seen growing protests in recent weeks over poor government services.

Zahra said the city's statement issued on Wednesday would be the start of its measures to get the United States to pay for damages but he did not say what other steps might be taken.
Iraq is not a beautiful country. It is a shiz hole. There is not one beautiful part about that country. If we get sucked into paying into that then we got serious problems. I would tell em to go to hell. The trash that line the streets is disgusting. Sewer really who know there was such a thing all i ever seen was them going right in the streets. Unbelievable
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-11 AT 07:36AM (MST)[p]+1 Sniper... Plus I know that i spent a lot of my time "decorating" that place because of idiots that always started the fights with their IDF, IEDs, and small arms! I say if they want it the way it was we should go take all the improvements that were made to their infrastructure out or make them pay us back!
Back out!

And drop a going home present!

Turn that whole f'n thing in to a Glass parking lot!

That or do what I said a while back that Ruffled the feathers!

Stake the SOB as U.S. Territory!

See how they like that ssshit!
Send them a bill for the 100 billion we have spent trying to help them help themselves. B-bop I think we should make it our 51st state and start putting whore houses on every corner right next to the pork BBQ restaurants....ungratefull jack knobs!!!
Yep the USA will pay. make you want to puke just thinking about all we did for those Azzhats.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
That's unreal. That's like loaning somebody a car for a year and then they come to you and want you to fix it and put gas in it. Screw those camel jockeys! I say give em a million . . . a million kiliton nuke!

It's always an adventure!!!
I say we should agree to pay it just as soon as they pay us back the $trillion dollars we spent saving them from a mad man.

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