How about T Boone



I like his plan. I'd like to see the US reduce it's dependence on foreign oil and I think he has the right Idea. If you haven't joined his cause here his Web site.

What's some your thoughts? He speaks at the Salt Palace this thurday.
The general idea of his plans sounds very good, but I have some reservations concerning it.
He is big oil, is this a continuation of the oil companies keeping control of the energy and price fixing down the line by keeping out the small independant suppliers which creates competition and lower prices to consumers.
I also have heard that he is tied in with Majority speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi and they have had several meetings concerning his plans.I have strong reservations if she is involved.
We do need to develope other sources of engery to lower the high prices to consumers, and make it more earth friendly, but I am not sure if I want those two persons doing it. I may be wrong, but I would want far more information before I bought into Boone's plan and Pelosi on the side lines.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-09-08 AT 06:31PM (MST)[p]He's correct about one thing for certain. We can't drill our way out of this mess. We can and should drill everything that we can but without a total commitment to alternatives we are screwed. (In my mind I see a national program somewhat like the Space Program and putting a man on the moon, total national commitment).

Whether he's with Nancy Pelosi or funding Swift Boats for Truth (that's kind of at odds with being in bed with Pelosi ain't It?) the man is right. We've got to form a national will to be energy independent and it will take using a variety of energy sources including Nuclear power, Coal, Natural gas, Wind, cellulosic bio fuels, and anything else that proves itself.

I think you both have very good points and concerns. The way I see it, is whether Pelosi, Pickens, or Big Oil stand to profit we don't have alot of choice. Let foreigners dictate, who would like to nuke us, or our own large companies. I believe the energy crisis we are facing is the single most important issue we have. If our politicians don't do something for the people, instead of always themselves, I think we are facing $10/gallon gas in two years and very few alternatives.
T Boone is right that we need to cut out the foreign oil. But understand that what he proposes will be good for him. He is investing in other forms of energy for our country which is a good thing, and if it goes to his plan...he will make alot of money, nothing wrong with that either.
That is the truth about the money and that is where Pelosi is involved. I have heard she is investing big time in T. Boone and his plans. What worries me is her pocket book going to dictate what she does in congress to protect her investment. Guess who gets the shaft if she places her pocketbook over the interests of the public she serves. Would that be the change she promised when she took over as speaker of the house.


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