How about some T & A


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-10 AT 01:53PM (MST)[p]Come on Feleno. You have no guts. I'm gonna break all the rules today.


Thanks for keeping it real NV. Campfire's getting as boring as the super bowl halftime show.
LOL...Ninja slipper


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Great save D13'er!

NV Questionable Horn

I'm calling you out! Right here on the World Wide Web

Calling him out?
Don't know what your problem is?
Getting to where nobody around here can take a joke or have any fun!
Calling him out in a funny, facetious sort of way perhaps?

Like the way he did with the T & A title to the post?

Cripes fellas, lighten up a bit..

NV posts some very good stuff time to time

did i need to put a smiley face after it for you?
We're all good Oldrookie. Just my homies watching my back. I'm pretty sure I could produce witnesses of the female persuasion that would assure anyone I'm a "straight shooter". :)
Cool NV

I thought the goofy looking 17th century guy wearing a feathered hat and calling someone else a fag was obviously satire..

Obviously some other folks just reacted and rushed to your rescue!

I thought it was frickin hilarious!!! I had no idea what it would say, "you sir..." scrollin down, ....."are a fag!" I saw it yesterday and had to come back today it was so funny! Never thought anyone would think he was being serious...

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