How about an over 18 area?

  • Thread starter mywifeishotterthentiffany
  • Start date


We could have an pg13 area to hang out. What so you guys think?

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
It doesn't really matter what we think, its what Founder thinks. This is his site, dedicated to hunting and the outdoors and really it is our privelege to partcipate. The Forum rules have been the same since the beginning - they have not changed. All he is asking is that we follow those rules.

I can't speak for him but I have enjoyed that this site has always been free of charge, free of spam, free of verification checks that cost $$ (and would be the thing that he would ultimately have to use to keep an adults only page) and family friendly. This has always been a place on the internet (with the exception of a few posts here and there) that I feel totally comfortable viewing with my wife and children present. I would prefer it stay that way.

If you have an adult friendly portion of the website there is no way you can keep it from becoming totally XXX. Are you trying to tell me that you could trust the MM'ers to keep it PG13??? Give me a break. It would become a porn site and that means MM would be associated with porn. If that were to become the case, it would alienate a lot of hunters who use this site for solid information, advice and wholesome sociality. There is enough innuendo and innapropriateness as it is on the site without making it XXX. There are plenty of other sites out there where you can find what you are looking for if that is what you want.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I do like looking at pretty women but it is a hunting site first and foremost, we are invited to the site by Founder we play by his rules Period, if you don't like his rules take your ball and go home or make up your own site and you can do what you want.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
"........solid information, advice and wholesome sociality......" That's soooo sweet!

Geez,Roy....did you copy that from a sign over the gate at Temple Christain University? LOL

You obviously haven't visited the political threads lately.....
You get your over 18 forum and me and a majority of people on here that view MM from work will get blocked by company internt filters. That would piss me off, but hey you'd get to see a little areola!
Sound like good advice to me too Roy. Just thought I would ask the question.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
>"........solid information, advice and wholesome sociality......"
>That's soooo sweet!
>Geez,Roy....did you copy that from a
>sign over the gate at
>Temple Christain University? LOL
>You obviously haven't visited the political
>threads lately.....

Good point Nick - yeah politics never has been nice or wholesome. LOL

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Uhhh... How many of you regular Campfire visitors aren't 18? Just sayin...

It's true, this Founder's site and he makes the rules. Just like in my house where I make the rules.
+2 Roy.

The part about looking at pretty woman, I totally agree but "porn" is not about looking at pretty woman. In my opinion it's about fantisizing about skanky females. There are plenty of other places to find that if that's what your looking for. I reserve the terms "lady" and "woman" for the females out there that deserve it.

I visit this sight to daydream about big bucks & bulls. Oh yea and learn stuff about them.
>Uhhh... How many of you
>regular Campfire visitors aren't 18?
>Just sayin...
>It's true, this Founder's site and
>he makes the rules. Just
>like in my house where
>I make the rules.

Over 18 does not always mean "likes to look at porn".....Just sayin


Agreed. But the question was "could we have an over 18 forum?". Why do we need one if almost all the visitors are over 18? So if an over 18 forum isn't what we need, what is? We need to have a place that is like a Campfire. And at any campfire I have been to, the topics of conversation can be quite varied and often over some imaginary line depending on those present. And the stronger personalities of those present generally dictate the topics. And the less strong personalities usually go to bed early. :) just sayin...
Sounds like Andy has a problem/addiction?
Just can't stand not to look can he?

I Love Gettin Up Early On Saturdays
And I Love Sexy VolleyBall Games
I Love Not Acting My Age
And A Good Barbeque

Yeah I'm A Fan Of Huntin Books
And Anything My Mama Cooks
Nice Sized Trout Have Got Me Hooked
On Sunday Afternoon

Yes I Love a Good Cold Dew
And Mustard On My Fries
I Love A Good Loud Honky Tonk
That Rocks On Friday Night
And Hell Yes I Love My Truck
But I Want You To Know
Ya I Love My Friends The Most

Man I Love How BackStrap Taste
And Damn I Love My Nascar Race
Any Song Sung By George Strait
Is Country At It's Best

Yes I Love a Good Cold Dew
And Mustard On My Fries
I Love A Good Loud Honky Tonk
That Rocks On Friday Night
And Hell Yes I Love My Truck
But I Want You To Know
Ya I Love My Friends The Most

I Love

Yeah I Love Scuffed Up Huntin Boots
And Broke In Tore Up Camo Jeans
A Four Wheel Drive Four Point Bucks
And Rocky Road Ice Cream
And Hell Yes I Love My Dog
And Jack D In My Coke
But Ya I Love My Friends

Yeah I Love My Friends yea
I Love My Friends The Most
yup, you got me figured out. Total porno crazed maniac...I tell my kids not to do drugs either...that must make me a junkie huh....douchebag.

please tell me you are singing that song to me and that's not a signature line.......

NV, gotcha, I have had plenty campfire talks that I would have never wanted women or children to hear......but we never broke out a skin rag to enjoy together....(like J-stew for rome fans)....I like the campfife the way it is myself...with bobcat gone...haha

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