Hound to the pound.


Very Active Member

This ol hound was on the way to the pound, I asked the gal to give it a week and i would try to find a home for him..

The story i got was that this gal's son raised this dog from a pup but he moved and couldn't take the dog with him, so he tossed Cole (that's the dogs name) in moms back yard and never looked back.

I do know that this dog has been hunting many times,holds his points well, and does a great job off retrieving..
He knows basic commands, sit stay come.
He's at my house now and i let him have the run of the place he never tried to run off and always comes when i call, he made a great point on my cat but did not try to harm it, good thing for him cuz my ol Tom would'a skinned him in a hurry..
He rides in the truck well and is well behaved in the house..
All in all he seems to be a well trained and fairly mellow,he's either 5 or 6 years old,he's got great muscle tone and seems eager to please.
No doubt he will make a fine companion.
No way i can keep him so i'm asking for some help to find him a good home, I will deliver him up to a coupl'a hundred miles.
Any questions just ask..
Many thanks for any help finding Cole a home he's a good ol boy..


LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-11 AT 05:44PM (MST)[p]Yep,, and they're Whoppers..

But if someone wanted to have him cut i would pay for it..
Let me make a couple phone calls. I might be able to come up with a great home for him.

Does he have papers? Where are you located?

LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-11 AT 05:55PM (MST)[p]Shoshone Idaho,, but i would haul him to Salt lake..
I love driving the Mormon 500..
LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-11 AT 06:10PM (MST)[p]>Let me make a couple phone
>calls. I might be able
>to come up with a
>great home for him.
>Does he have papers? Where are
>you located?

Many thanks justr, yur alright..

I will check on the papers,, i am in Shoshone Idaho but i would be willing to haul him a coupl'a three hundred miles, or meet half way if someone just wanted to look him over..

He really seem's to be a great hound.. I took him out in my pasture and he had his nose to the ground the whole time and kept a good range..
I'm waiting for a callback, I also posted him on my facebook page so my bird dog buddies might see him and take him. Either way he will be hunted over each fall and a member of the family inside the house.

If he does not have papers they might take you up on the getting him cut offer though...

Thanks justr..
Sounds like he had papers but they were never filled out, but not sure on that still checking..
LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-11 AT 06:38PM (MST)[p]I appreciate yer trying, for sure..
You get a chance to make it to Idaho next bird season bring that Brown dog you have and I'll treat you to some Chukar huntin' that'll just blow yer mind..
Once again,, Many thanks..
JB,,Yer in Cali, ain't ya?? If you want him very bad, i could probably figure a way to get him there.
I see round trip flights all the time for a hundred bucks, dunno if it's good for dogs though, easy enough to find out.

I tell ya this is a good dog,, i ain't had him for 3 or so hours, but i'm impressed.

Just made him sit and stay while i called my hound over and fed her some treats right in front of him, took a couple a trys but he held till i released him.
Takes food out of yer hand plenty gentle like.

He don't raise no hell in the house, mostly just lays wherever i'm at, and ain't tried markin' nothing yet.
He reads pretty good sign language, and know's plenty english.
Someone spent a good deal of time with this mutt.

He took to me like we known each other forever, No doubt in my mind he'll be loyal to whoever gets him.
Just an FYI, its pretty expensive to ship a dog. It won't happen for $100. If you can get him to S. Utah, I can get him to San Diego the first weekend in April. I'm already taking one dog, I might as well take two.
Mighty generous offer there Shummy, if JB wants him and that's close enough to where he lives, I'll gladly pitch in for a few tanks of gas..
still got the dog pm me i am interested. i breed shorthairs and he is right up my ally i am in pocatello
My buddy wants him if southcounty or JB doesn't take him. Let me know either way. Call text pm or post what your gonna do with him. 435 724 8512.

That dog is so good looking. He just wants a good home. Wish I could take him home. I don't think he is that old. 3-4 at best not 4-5 just my opinion. Hope he gets a good home with a nice couch to sleep on. I bet he likes people food.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-11 AT 09:42AM (MST)[p]HE GONE!!!!!!! to Utah. Many Thanks to everybody that pitched in to find Cole a good home, justr i owe ya man..
Also thanks to founder and the mods for not pulling this thread,
i realize this ain't the classifieds..
Great bunch of folks here..
thank god......I was seriously gonna get him...last thing I need. I would have quickly ruined any hunting ability he had anyway.

Thanks to all that stepped up. Just goes to show ..a pretty tight group! Good luck to the new owner.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
I just lined up a pheasant hunt for us at the local bird farm so he will see some birds on saturday! Addy too!

Just got back from dropping Cole off with his new family ,
no doubt in my mind he's in good hands.

juster went above the call to help find this dog a home,many thanks justr, lookin' forward to meeting you and doing some bird hunting.. Way cool he's gonna get in on some birds this weekend, hope he's impressive.

Thanks to EVERYBODY!! on here, i think it took a total of 3 hours to find Cole a good home, now that's steppin' up!!!..

No doubt this hound hit the jackpot with his new home, I'm damn happy for him..
LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-11 AT 10:46AM (MST)[p]I will post up some pics from the hunt saturday. He seems to be settling in very nice with his new family.

Thanks for meeting Lora with him!


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