Hottie - would you hit it?


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON May-15-09 AT 08:48AM (MST)[p]C'mon if she wasn't an Obama would you'd be considering it. i know Wiz would hit it.
there's been a couple i havent been to proud of but then again there were a few more where I way overachieved :)
LAST EDITED ON May-16-09 AT 06:15PM (MST)[p]Only if my kids lives were at stake otherwise I'd rather take a bullet to the temple or do Bea Arthur in her current dead state!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

>Replace the White House Dog BO
>with a Chimp and name
>it Cheeta.

Did you say White House Dog..

Hell Yes i would!! In a heartbeat! If you saw some of them things that i've had to try an stuff through the door of my camper :) This ones a beauty queen! lol

Joey, I think that comment is typically one you want to keep from your buddies!! LOL, though!!

Dude that would give you some slivers that just wouldnt be worth it.
Reminds me of a story from an Army school. One of the guys was bragging that he had spent the night with two women at once. What he didnt know was that we had seen the two women with him. It looked like he'd been to a live stock auction. The rest of the school we called him stampede. We also were afraid to be in the room below him......Never knew if the the building would take it.........Some things just arent worth it.
Would be like driving a Chevy! Probably a good ride, you just don't want to let your friends know! :)

"Keep yer powder dry n yer eye on the skyline!"

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