

Very Active Member
It was 105 here yesterday.
104 today. Crap. The ponds are
drying up. It's nasty.

Bet you AZ boys are seeing some
really bad temps.

I've got a 6' by 3' water trough
that I get in every evening.

Cold Coors Original in hand,
I might add.

PLEASE send rain.

Is that the same trough as my co-worker uses?

If you want Ive you can have all the water northern utah is supposed to get for the next 2 months.....i want all the little watering holes to dry up on these bucks before i have to go chase them, leaving them to have to travel a bit for their water.


Lord I hate you.


Got the same thing in mind
bowstand wise. I'd shoot a
thirsty deer. How'bout you ??

ransom your just playin dirty now i think its still eighty here it rained for six hours last night tho so it kept the temps down for the majority of the day

Wildlife population control specialist
I dont mind chasing around the mountain looking for deer, but it makes it a little easier if they have to vacate the area once in awhile to go get water! thirsty deer taste the best!

LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-08 AT 10:01PM (MST)[p]Last update Larry as it's getting too cold to go outside and check the temp. It's 60 and starting to drop fast.

Larry, it was 58 here today. 52 right now. The wife will build a fire in the morning to take the chill off.


It's hot here too. Not quite that bad though. And it's a DRY HEAT. Have you got some humidity?

If it gets real bad I can be at 10,000 feet in 35 minutes.

It's a nippy 104 here today in downtown PHX, and it's supposed to warm up to 110 by friday............

Why did I move here?
Overton, Bean and Tageater.....

I LOVE y'all too.

Bean, keep a close watch on that
humidity, cause if anything ever happened
to you're arse, I'd be worried about the

You subject to get run up into a combine any
given year. Be ugly. Prolly hurt.


Todays weather for my new home was a high of 76 and a low of 49. But they cancealed salmon season and I will now have to drive through one of the most liberal of all Kali towns to get to work so not everything is good.
Clam chowder is a must in a cold climate like this just ask Eel. It goes real well with sourdough french bread. A green salad is a must. I might have Kilowatt over for dinner soon but it is his turn to buy (hint hint).


Ransom is right. Clam chowder really hits the spot on a chilly afternoon. An open pit barbeque is a big hit too this time of year. Make some steaming hot chocolate to sip on as you stoke the fire. Now that's living! (just funnin' with you Larry, I hope it cools off some in Texas)

Salmon season is a bust but a buddy of mine has been bottom fishing and brought me over some packages of fillets.

Are you sucking up to Eel in order to enjoy those great fillets. If you are, forget it, Kilo has dibs on them already. That is a sure bet that you can take to the bank. by the way, it is a pleasent 65 degrees here at 9 P.M.

>Salmon season is a bust but
>a buddy of mine has
>been bottom fishing and brought
>me over some packages of

I sure miss salmon fishin'...
My wife and half of her family went to Eloy, Arizona on Thursday, for a family reunion.

She called at 7:30 yesterday morning and it was alredy 106 degrees! They were expecting 116 by noon.

It's going to be over a 100 here today, but Damn!

Why would anyone want to live where the sun is only 40' from the ground?

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