Hot Thundercats


Long Time Member
The Feleno Pocket Dictionary defines THUNDERCAT as:

A hot looking 50+ year-old woman that is past her sexual prime, often times going through a mid-life crisis and no longer qualifies as a cougar. She dates younger men to feel better about her crows feet and sagging breasts. The THUNDERCAT has bounced back from near extinction due in large part to today's medical technology such at botox, face lifts and breast augmentation.

A few come to mind, post up yours.

Michelle Pfeiffer

Kim Basinger

Jane Seymour

Christie Brinkley
Getting old? Hell I've been old for a long time.

1911 I think you spend to much in front of the TV on Saturday morning.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-11 AT 05:56AM (MST)[p]Christie Brinkley...mmmmyea...thinkin I'd still hit that one :)

And yer all old!! }>

When I was 20 something, all your Thundercats were my age and smokin hot. Now that I'm pushing 50 wouldn't a Thundercat for me be someone thats pushing 70 and still hot? Got a list for me Feleno ?
What you are referring to are Super Thundercats. At that age I don't think you want to see whats going on under the sheets.

Jane Fonda looks good for 73
Joan Collins
Raquel Welch (pushing 70).
It must be good timing that my close range eyesight is failing.

Given the chance I would still hit Raquel just for bragging rights.
Unfortunately as your eyesight starts to fail your sense of smell becomes acute. Old people stink.

I'd hit Rackuel to, she still looks great.
only if there are no lights in the room ! but the thundercat monicker is funny as all get out! never realy got into the geriatric adult film features. " raisin butt " just dont get me going.......
Like a Tornado on a screen door!


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