
Long Time Member
I'm Not Gonna Dig Through Thousands Of Posts Arguing With You!

It's Not A F'N Secret!

It's Never Been A F'N Secret!

And Your Memory Is Failing! (Ya,I Gotta RAZZ You,Mine Is As Well!)

Here's A Post From 2015!

Guess I Must Have Been Keeping It A F'N Secret Back Then As Well?


Long Time Member​

Never really thought much about getting in to a Bind with Mother Nature during the Summer until a few years ago while putting Hours in for My Dedicated Hunter Hours/Time!

It can happen in a Quick Hurry!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!


Here's One From 2023:


Long Time Member​

The Year Before Last I Turned My Tag Back In!

Went Right In To Their Office & Turned It In!

Last Year My Tag Just Wasn't Showing Up!

I Called Them & That Was No Help!

Then I Made A Trip To Their Office & Got My Tag!

I Hear You middlefork!

Between The DEDICATED POACHERS & THE SMOKEPOLERS We Must Be Destroying The Herd!
One From 2018:


It's My First Year in to My Dedicated Hunter Entry!

He's ONLY 30"S!

I Hate to!

But I better Let Him Go in Hopes of Finding a 35"ER!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

Hey F'er!

A Few years ago while cutting Trees for Dedicated Hunter Hours I found a Saw!

It Ain't a Good one!

Nobody would Claim it!

I'm sure after you made one trip to the Mountain with it you'd definitely be making a Trip down to the Store to get you a New Stihl!:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

Good Year?

Ya,They Keep getting Better as time goes on,Right?

We are in Serious Trouble with Deer Numbers all together!

I did Spot & keep Tabs on a Couple Shooter Bucks this Year!

Peeked in on them a Couple Times & it wasn't a Problem before the Muzz Hunt!

Opening Morning I thought I had a Chance of maybe getting in on them!

Hike in,Peak in & was excited for a Minute,there they were,well 3 out of the 5 are there but the 2 biggest Bucks no where to be seen!

I never could Locate them 2 Bucks again!

Seen other Bucks during the Muzz but nothing bigger than Small 4 Points!

Rifle Season Rolls around,blowed a Runnunig Shot on a Nice Buck in the Thick sshhitt I've been watching the last 3 years,SCREWED that up!

Gave him 6 days to return to his Hide-Out but to No Avail!

T'was the Only Buck I seen that you could Call Big,Gave me No Chance/Time to Score Him!:D

A little over 200 Miles on My Danners during the Rifle Hunt alone!

Went back up during the Rut & never seen a Buck that'd grow enough by next year to even consider shooting,SAD!

Ya,I know there's a couple/few Big Boys around,they are Smarter than me,they are Smart or they Die,Simple as that!

Can't Complain,I did See and Miss one,but add the Mileage up & it's Perty Tough Duty!

Like I've said for 40 years,it Ain't Coming Back,Wish the Hell it was!

I think I'll start Huntin them City/Cemetery/Back Yard Bucks!

(((I Mighta waited too long to do that!)))

Can I Hunt them in November & December?

Coulda/Mighta been able to Shoot a PISSCUTTER or Two But I sent My Tag back to the UDWR!

According to DrDeth this Dedicated Hunter Tag is Better than I thought it was but No Deer Steaks for me this year!
When was your 50 things to fix deer?

Guaranteed it was after 2014.

It ok Bess.

Your an opportunist.

You've had a dh tag for a decade.

So either send in a vid cutting it up, or wear the opportunist tag with pride.

I won't make you admit you ate that SJ elk tag.

A man's got to have some dignity
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I just checked the inbox.

MM #1 opportunist has apparently decided to keep his DH tag for yet another year(going on a decade now) and use it to hunt deer from Aug to end of October.

I once read a post about 50 things to help mule deer.

Not hunting them for 3 months was pretty high on that list. Sure wish I could remember the author.

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