Horse trails around West Yellowstone


Very Active Member
I'm trying to get some ideas about riding horses in Yellowstone or around the West Yellowstone area . I have been doing some research on line , and I know there is some special rules about riding in the park .

The riding group will have some women that are not interested in roughing it with a spike camp or taking pack horses . So I'm thinking camping around West Yellowstone and finding some trails that can be done in a day .

If any body has any trail names or places that I should see or avoid , I would be very interested . One last thing , we will be using our own horses and thinking around mid September . Thanks in advance .
I think I remember seeing signs that indicated horse trails in West yellowstone park. Why don't you contact the park service at West yellowstone. If there is horse trails, I would think they could provide maps and information on the trails.

Might also show you the best campground to stay at to access those trails.

Like RELH said contact them as that would be your best resource. Have you found Dusty a friend yet? Women going? Oooo La La !!!

Are you going opening weekend with us?
HAHA , nice Rug . I had to find some women friends to ride with after I found out about the whole secret clubhouse thing .LOL
The park has a boundqry trail that goes all the way around the prk.

Like the south boundary or west boundary....ect

It is about 6-8 ft wide and has signs all along it as Yellowstone NP.

We have followe it when we are going to catch an official YNP trail going in to fish a lake or something.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-10 AT 07:36AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-10 AT 07:33?AM (MST)

Get a hold the Local Chapter of BACK COUNTRY HORSEMAN, I'm sure they can really help you with some good idea's where to go, where to start and what are the best places to go for day trips.

Shonshone Back country horsesman out of the Cody/Powell area.

Mac Black (307) 754-9090

Vice President
Steve Brock (307) 587-4098

Barbara Hudson (307) 754-2510

Deb Black (307) 754-9090

This would be the 1st place I would start in getting information like you are asking for. Good Luck and have fun.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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