horse rentals Dayville area

stop in at the market/gas station there. There is an advertisment board, and last time I looked there was someone that had this availalbe in the area...

LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-10 AT 11:55AM (MST)[p]k, i'll b going to the spot you told me bout...LOL
by any chance do you remember the name of that mini mart store there???
sorry dude...I'm not sure of the name. Its only one of two stores in the town.

Shhhhhh the secret spot is a secret! now remember take 26 to post 35, turn right go up 14 miles and you will find the animal tied to a tree waiting for ya!

Manny! Just dip down to Litchfield, just outside of Susanville, Cali. They even have the pack string available for adoption. :)
Be sure to bring a BIG stock trailer!
Hey guys.....kinda same topic as this post....I need to buy or lease about 4-6 more horses or mules. Really looking to buy a string that someone is looking to get out of packing. One that knows their place in a string......anyone know of ANY? MUST be broke pretty well. Thanks guys!
My unlce in Joseph has 12 mules and I know he has been talkin about selling 4-5. We just dont need all them long ears with my stock I have...the issue is they are all DEAD broke and as you know DEAD broke animals aren't cheap! Most are 12-16yrs and have been rode/packed many times each year. I will ask how much and if your interested you can stop by our ranch in Joseph and take a look. Of course we will write a 30-60 day money back guarantee for ya...

Taker easy ~

muleyman (jeremy)
>AT 11:55?AM (MST)

>k, i'll b going to the
>spot you told me bout...LOL
>by any chance do you remember
>the name of that mini
>mart store there???

I think that's called the South Fork Market?

Just go up by John Young Meadow or Deer Creek and catch several of the Murderers Creek Shitters. Might be a little on the wild side, but a dose of TLC should bring them in line.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-10 AT 11:19AM (MST)[p]>My unlce in Joseph has 12
>mules and I know he
>has been talkin about selling
>4-5. We just dont need
>all them long ears with
>my stock I have...the issue
>is they are all DEAD
>broke and as you know
>DEAD broke animals aren't cheap!
>Most are 12-16yrs and have
>been rode/packed many times each
>year. I will ask how
>much and if your interested
>you can stop by our
>ranch in Joseph and take
>a look. Of course we
>will write a 30-60 day
>money back guarantee for ya...
>Taker easy ~
>muleyman (jeremy)

hey, do i get a cut since i brought up the subject......LOL
sorry Manny been out of town a while! Yes I will get you a nice cup of joe for this! Taker easy...

Mountain Pass is a good choice!! We used her services on an elk hunt in the Northside unit. My brother and I both shot bulls 5 minutes apart up in the nasty steep stuff. We got one out on our backs and the other we used her and her horses. Saved our bacon and our meat. I believe her name is Lisa...
you got horses into "steep nasty stuff"? Northside unit is pretty small and it has roads that go throughout most of the unit that can be accessed by rig...unless it was private?

Maybe an area Im not familar with though...

Thats what Lisa thought! We proved her wrong. After our little jaunt through the nasty stuff, she said she was going to make it her goal to find a road into the area my brother killed his bull. She never did find a road. If you are familiar with Magone lake, the Nipple butte trail, Beech creek road and hwy 395, draw a square around that area and put a dot in the middle, that will get you close.
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