Horse Question


Long Time Member
Do you horse guys on here know of a good feed for old horses. Something with good fat/protein for old horses and hopefully with glucosamine and chondroitin for the joints? Or even something like ibuprofen if there is such a thing for horses.

My wife used to do equestrian shows when she was younger and we still have her horse. It is a huge Thoroughbred and is 26 years old now. You would never know it just to look at him, the vet couldn't believe us when we told him his age but when he looked at his teeth he said yep, he's old all right.

I can hear his joints pop when he walks so he probably has arthritis, cold weather seems to slow him down.

Success is failure that tried one more time
Equine Senior is what my mom uses for her old cutting stallion.

Aim Center Mass
Talk with your vet...but, horse physiology isn't a lot different than human physiology. One of those strange coures I had to take in college was 'Mamallian Physiology'. I bet some glucosamine sulfate will help his joints.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Banamine is a shot that helps with pain. Dexamethazone is a type of steriod that helps with swelling of sorts. A cup full of Cat food believe it or not in the sweet feed is good for horse because of the high protein content. A good family friend of ours who was one of the premier horse Vets in this part of the country fed a little cat food to an old horse they had for 28 or 29 yrs.

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