Hornady vs Barnes?


Very Active Member
I've shot the Hornady 300 gr. SST low drag sabot and the Barnes 295 g TEZ and have similar accuracy. The question I have is whether anyone has any negative experience with either of these bullets performance on an elk.
A buddy told me that had the SST in a high power rifle come apart on animals and he'd never use it again. Not that this is a fair comparision to the muzzy sabots but just thought I'd see if anyone has not had good experiences with either of these. These 2 seemed to be what several people suggested earlier so I picked these to test. Still have more shooting to do but if they perform the same, the Hornadys are a bit cheaper not that that would be a controlling issue but I have a hard time finding sabots here in CO and they don't stock many of them. Barnes had been sold old last time I looked at Bass Pro Shops.
Thanks for any opinions.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-30-11 AT 07:08PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-30-11 AT 07:07?PM (MST)

I have never shot the Barnes ,but have taken several whitetail with the Hornady SST 250 grain with the low drag sabot.100 grains of Triple 777 FFF and I get some good groups and they put deer down.
here is the picture of my Barnes 250 grain TMZ, the bullet broke both shoulders, drop the bull in his tracks and was recovered between the hide and meet on opposite shoulder. I cleaned the bullet and weighed it..... 248 grains! I'm sold! GREAT BULLET for elk..

I have never hunted with the sst but killed elk with the FBP and had good results so as far as them being junk I doubt, but the barnes will be the tougher bullet, but depending on the gun you may need a hammer to get them down.
I'm hunting UT this year after a 10 yr wait! So I want to get the best bullet I can find but since I've never shot sabots before (CO) I figured others might have some opinions on them. Thanks for the advise!
Fact: Barnes is solid copper and there is no question that they are the tougher bullet

Opinion: Barnes would be my first choice for any elk hunt between the two bullets you mention.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
If the barnes tez will load easily in your gun I would suggest going with that bullet, this fall will be our families 3rd le elk tag in utah using barnes bullets. The previous 2 hunts the bullet performed exceptionally well. We recovered one bullet, just like VT elkchaser, it had perfect weight retention along with perfect expansion.
The SST is a good whitetail bullet ,but I would not use them on elk.Though I have never shot them , like others have said the Barnes would be a better choice for elk.
All you need with the barnes bullet is the crushed rib sabot sold by Great Harvester it will load very easy.
Thanks for the suggestions guys! Now I just have to find them here is Denver which is not easy otherwise online. I've not had problems shooting the pack of Barnes that I had regarding the sabot and they seemed very comprable to the Hornadys in how they load and shoot! I'll try to find some!
Ditto on the Barnes. Laid out a nice bull in NM 16E at 210 yards. One step and timberrrr.

Out of my 50 cal omega, the crushed rib sabot was still too tight. Had to go to the TEZ and am getting 2" groups if I do my job on a calm day.

Bill in MI
I have never shot the barnes. Sounds like they are good and maybe I should try them. I shot my bull here in Nevada in 07' with the hornady sst with 150 grains of powder. Shot him in the shoulder at 200 yards and it did the job. My dad killed a cow with the same set up 2 years later. It was like 40 yards though, but we did reteive the bullet and my dad was happy with the performance. Sounds like the barnes is a good choice from responses, but thought I'd share my experiences with the hornady.
I have shot 3 mature bulls and 2 large bodied mature bucks with the SST. Ive shot bulls from 100 to 200 yards and the SST performs perfectly.

You're splitting hairs for which one is better. Id say go with whatever loads the easiest and is cheapest to purchase.

Both will do the job just fine.
I hunted my Limited Entry Bull with the Hornady 300 SST with the Low Drag Sabot and I dropped my bull with 1 shot but the bullet came apart on me. Maybe I just had a bad bullet I don't know. It did the job but it makes me wonder if it will happen again.

There's room for all of God's creatures, right next to the mashed potato's and gravy.
we have killed one big bull and 4 mulies with the 300 gr sst. I want to try the Barnes too, but have no complaints on the SST. They have dropped every animal I have shot with them. Got pass through shots on the deer and the bullet lodged on under the opposite hide in the shoulder on the elk. Here is the one that killed my bull last year. I think you are fine with either bullet.



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