Horn Growth (Antelope)?



I'm a novice when it comes to info on Antelope and was hoping that someone here could enlighten me. I finally drew a tag here in Utah for a pretty good area and am beginning my research. I know that antelope shed the outer black sheath of their horn and that's all I know. Now the questions--

Do they shed that sheath every year or is there some other factor that makes them shed the covering? What time of year do they shed that covering?

I have seen some deer and elk with some awesome antler growth this year because of the wet spring, are antelope likewise affected? Do their horns grow faster/bigger with better feed? Are their horns continually growing as true horns do?

The area that I am hunting has a pretty good history for some really good bucks. And a guy that hunted there last year has promised to show me the ropes he shot an 82" buck and saw 3 that were bigger the day after he shot his. I am pretty excited and wanted to know a little bit more about the animal that I am going to hunt. I have been reading your posts here for a while and want to thank you for the info that you have provided so far, especially in the field judging post about antelope that info was invaluable.


as far as i know antelope shed their horns each year no matter what, usually during december (which is about 3 months after the rut). their horns are fully grown again by march...tho i'm not sure if the horns continue growing measurably beyond that time.

the quality/quantity of feed plays a role in horn growth just as it does antler growth.

so, you can start scouting now and locate the buck of your dreams well in advance of the season. around here they will move a little bit from summer (higher country) to fall (lower country), but will stay in the same general area.

good luck

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