Honey Hole becomes a Honey Bucket!


Long Time Member
About ten years ago, my son and I found a sweet mule deer archery honey hole in Utah. Over that decade we chased lots of really nice bucks. But this year our little hide away was crawling with hunters. Several groups set up tents within easy bow range of our camp which was set up early before the hunt. One group next to us ramped up rock music at 10 pm and didn't turn it off until midnight. We asked them to keep it down but they pretty much ignored us.

Opening morning had several trucks parked in every turn out and we saw more hunters than bucks by far.

I know good things can't last forever, but this was awfully sad. We will likely avoid that spot in the future...at least until the stink goes away!
It's cyclical. .5 yrs from now you'll b alone again...fewer animals but alone....then the animals will come back...then the hunters. Like the relationship between the rabbit and the coyote.
DW has it figured out, though it may take closer to ten years. Unless, the area becomes a new housing development or something...
+1 yeh we have been their too. Had that problem back in the 90's. Killed some nice bucks in the wilderness then a campground host where we base camped spread the word during summer camping season because he had nothing better to talk about. Next year we went back and had to take our own rock to stand on. Must have been 30 guys on top exactly where my son shot a great 4x4.

Now we don't tell no one our spots or post pics :)....

Guys are gone but so are we......

Idiots like that will be gone to greener pastures as soon as they don't see or kill something. Find another spot and go back in 5 years ......idiots like that will only get you trouble ...quit trying to tell them to tone down the music because that just falls on deaf ears....it's not worth fighting or someone getting shot.....deer just aren't worth it......those fools will move on in time....

I feel for you DW....but it is what it is....stay flexible find another spot for awhile hopefully you will get your spot back in a few years or you will in time find another honey hole.

Deer/Elk it's all the same problem. :)

Back in 01 a buddy and I went back a narly fs road, 4 chains no trailers, place was loaded with elk. Had it to ourselves for 5 glorious yrs, then the Dow decided to make it an either sex unit and give every swingin dik in country gps coordinates to our camp. Had all the problems u describe. The 1st time it happened we went to town to pick up a few things Friday am b4 season. When we returned 5 tents around us within bow range. 1 at 15yds. I lead my horses to the front door of their tent, put the hobbles on, unsnapped the leads and walked away. Guy pokes his head out "hey yer horse..." I said "no hey yer tent,9 mil acres of nf and u gotta camp on top of me". It was the start of 5 crowded yrs. Then the herd got to were the Dow wanted it and switched back to bull or cow,no either sex tags,and things have begun to improve again. That either sex tag is a magnet. Can't blame em I guess....Lotta money laid out especially for a non res I'd want the opportunity to shoot either in the end if I was in their shoes as well.
After a so called friend dimed me out on a good hunting spot, I go one better then not telling anyone where I got my animal. I flat lie to them about the location and send them to a false honey hole.
We are required to list the kill spot on our hunting tag that goes back to Fish & Wildlife. I will put a spot that is near, but not the spot I killed the deer as other people see that tag when they validate it. The spot is close enough that it involves the same deer herd so Fish & Wildlife can have an accurate record on how many deer was harvested in that zone.

that sux! many of us have that experience, my hunting partner asked if he could bring his cousin with one year. "Sure as long as he dones't bring people with him anytime after that."
You know what happened then, the next year he started bringing people in there and asking me where to go. I either flat out ignore him or send him umpteen miles in the wrong direction. This spring I found out that my partner has been telling him exactly where I shoot my elk/deer every year so he still is trying to get into the honey hole. Guessing I will need a new partner too...

Makes me mad when people do that, yea its public land but they can get off their ass and scout to find their animals like I had to, I hate freebies!

Was so nice when we first hunted there. In 5 days I might see 3 hunters, 2 years ago I counted 28 hunters in that area :( still got my elk cause 24-27 of them are clueless, still annoying though.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

>wah wah wah......
a certain individuals response on 8/12/2014 to anyone that commits suicide.
There are many things that would be nice to wish for or say but then I would be just like him.
That does suck when that happens. Seems like I'm looking for a new place to hunt about every five years or so. I had a hunting buddy sell me out one time too and that's why I now hunt solo. This year I have noticed more hunters in the area I plan to hunt and my plan is to use them to my advantage (I hope). I figure I know the area better than they do and I'm in a place where I know where they will be coming in from so I plan on just letting them push the elk my way. I'm sure by next year it will be time to move on. I feel your pain.
...loose lips sink ships....

Heck, some of my friends camped within a 1/2 mile of another group and they were told to stay out of "their" canyon.
If not, they would regret it.
So, I guess you could go that route but I think you have a little more class than that.
Part of hunting is not only out smarting the game but out smarting other hunters too.
Sorry to hear your frustrations.

There's always next year
Damn, this post hits home. When I lived in Idaho I had a favorite canyon. I never saw anyone in there for 10 years. I've killed four P&Y bucks there and a 192B&C with my rifle. Some D-Bag tore himself a trail up into it with his wheeler. For the next few years I watched as every ridge and saddle got covered with four wheeler trails. I loved that place. Not any more. Sad.

For long distance dial 1-800-338-EDGE
Hey littlebig!

I hear ya!

What really Cracks me up is!

You've Hunted the Area for 30+ years,run in to a few of them & they are QUICK to tell you:Oh We've been hunting this same area for 20 years,and you've never seen them!

Must make them feel Macho!

And LongBow!

Once the Wheeler Trails are busted in you are done!

Just see how much success you get from the USFS & DWR on getting them LAW BREAKIN Bittcches shut down!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
>Hey littlebig!
>I hear ya!
>What really Cracks me up is!
>You've Hunted the Area for 30+
>years,run in to a few
>of them & they are
>QUICK to tell you:Oh We've
>been hunting this same area
>for 20 years,and you've never
>seen them!
>Must make them feel Macho!
>And LongBow!
>Once the Wheeler Trails are busted
>in you are done!
>Just see how much success you
>get from the USFS &
>DWR on getting them LAW
>BREAKIN Bittcches shut down!
>[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red
>Hot Barrel & My Dead
>Cold Hands I Shall go
>down Fighting for American Pride
>& Rights!
>I Know I'm Out Numbered by
>Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll
>Throw Their Hands in the
>air & I know I
>can't Lick the U.S. Military
>by Myself when they Turn
>on us but I'll make
>you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a
>Situation where I Hope to
>Hell All Americans become True
>Americans once again & Stand
>up for their Rights!

I've had the same problem. Found a nice area in Idaho, not a lot of deer but definitely some nice ones. Killed a couple and saw even bigger ones. Every year I went back it had more people/hunters which ruins the quality of the hunt. The biggest issue last year were the guys taking horses into some of the prime deer areas (no trails even), and the guys walking across the open slopes. The deer are smart and vanish. I watched it all from a distance. I doubt they realize they are spooking the animal so much. I'm trying to find a new area with less pressure now.
>>Hey littlebig!
>>I hear ya!
>>What really Cracks me up is!
>>You've Hunted the Area for 30+
>>years,run in to a few
>>of them & they are
>>QUICK to tell you:Oh We've
>>been hunting this same area
>>for 20 years,and you've never
>>seen them!
>>Must make them feel Macho!
>>And LongBow!
>>Once the Wheeler Trails are busted
>>in you are done!
>>Just see how much success you
>>get from the USFS &
>>DWR on getting them LAW
>>BREAKIN Bittcches shut down!
>>[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red
>>Hot Barrel & My Dead
>>Cold Hands I Shall go
>>down Fighting for American Pride
>>& Rights!
>>I Know I'm Out Numbered by
>>Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll
>>Throw Their Hands in the
>>air & I know I
>>can't Lick the U.S. Military
>>by Myself when they Turn
>>on us but I'll make
>>you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a
>>Situation where I Hope to
>>Hell All Americans become True
>>Americans once again & Stand
>>up for their Rights!
I thin wheelers are great and lots of fun, have owned a couple but to the A-HOLES that go anywhere and everywhere should be forced to drink all of the gas remaining in their tank when caught! That would end that $$$$ in a hurry!

thin boards with a few nails will make them think twice the next time...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

>wah wah wah......
a certain individuals response on 8/12/2014 to anyone that commits suicide.
There are many things that would be nice to wish for or say but then I would be just like him.
I think we've all had a similar thing happen to us. Some of us even with private land where we couldn't "outbid" a big hunting company that wanted the small piece where we once hunted for $25.

I think it's all a double-edged sword. What fun is hunting if you can't share it with people..?? And we can't control who tells what to other people... This year, I'll hunt down on Boulder with a Muzzy. I'll hopefully shoot a 3 point, hopefully with my wife and kids nearby watching. That's all I want out of a general season hunt.

Why anybody would want to come and sidle up to me for that experience is beyond me. I'll post my pic of my buck here if I get one. And maybe if it's small enough, no one will follow me there in 3 years when I maybe draw the tag again... :) After all, the whole state is limited entry now.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24

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