Honesty Is The Best Policy?

  • Thread starter IF-IT-FLIES-IT-DIES (Guest)
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About a year ago my uncle was driving in a utah canyon and saw something run across the road. He swirved to get out of the way and hit it. He got out of his truck to drag the animal off the road and realized it was a black bear. He called the DWR and they came and did an investigation and later let him have the bear. All of it. Has this ever happened to anyone?
I call B.S. on this one. I have yet to see anyone keep an animal under these circumstances. Are you sure that this incident was even reported? The only way that you would ever get to keep an animal like that is if you bought it at the auction they have every year. I know several people that have hit a buck deer and they won't even let you keep the horns.
I swear, at least thats what he told mt dad. I think he even has pictures.

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